
DOT. ContemporaryDate
13.01 –12.02.2022Curator
Michal StolárikPhotography
Richard Kučera GuzmánSubheadline
Viktor Frešo, Nika Kupyrova, Marek KvetanText
AREA B1 exhibition brings together the work of middle-generation Slovak authors Viktor Frešo (*1974), Marek Kvetan (*1976) and the artist born in Ukraine and based in Vienna, Nika Kupyrova (*1985). It employs elements of mystification, works with the decomposition of reality and traces interconnected personal mythologies. The project is centered on objects, sculptures and installations with significant material diversity. The selection of authors' works is linked by the method of experimentation - with forms, transformation of material, technological procedures or conceptual thinking. In one place, we observe strong authorial gestures and artistic interventions in contrast to their deliberate suppression in favor of chance, chemical processes, automation and organic seriality. The artworks are inspired by contemporary culture, conceptualizing found objects, and acting as hybrids, connecting natural processes with the knowledge and materials of contemporary digital world. The exhibited works in the spatial collage in the environment of the industrial atmosphere of The Jurkovič Heating Plant parasitize on each other but also exist in symbiosis, defying generally given ideas and challenging the laws of physics. AREA B1 is an environment - an imaginary laboratory for experimenting with new procedures. At the same time, it is the result of experiments that have spiralled out of control.
Michal Stolárik