Archive 2021 KubaParis


exhibition view
exhibition view
Inside Job (Ula Lucińska, Michał Knychaus), 
Too far gone, 2019, 
oak wood, aluminium, steel, found RC car chassis
Inside Job (Ula Lucińska, Michał Knychaus), Too far gone, 2019, oak wood, aluminium, steel, found RC car chassis
Inside Job (Ula Lucińska, Michał Knychaus), 
Too far gone, 2019, 
oak wood, aluminium, steel, found RC car chassis
Inside Job (Ula Lucińska, Michał Knychaus), Too far gone, 2019, oak wood, aluminium, steel, found RC car chassis
Inside Job (Ula Lucińska, Michał Knychaus), 
Too far gone, 2019, 
oak wood, aluminium, steel, found RC car chassis
Inside Job (Ula Lucińska, Michał Knychaus), Too far gone, 2019, oak wood, aluminium, steel, found RC car chassis
Gaia Del Santo, handkerchief 1/1, 2021, 
transferprint and embroidery on cotton, rhinestones, glitter, latex, flashlight
Gaia Del Santo, handkerchief 1/1, 2021, transferprint and embroidery on cotton, rhinestones, glitter, latex, flashlight
Gaia Del Santo, handkerchief 1/1, 2021, 
transferprint and embroidery on cotton, rhinestones, glitter, latex, flashlight
Gaia Del Santo, handkerchief 1/1, 2021, transferprint and embroidery on cotton, rhinestones, glitter, latex, flashlight
Jürgen Baumann, Die Forelle der Bach, 2021, concrete, coins
Jürgen Baumann, Die Forelle der Bach, 2021, concrete, coins
Jürgen Baumann, Die Forelle der Bach, 2021, concrete, coins
Jürgen Baumann, Die Forelle der Bach, 2021, concrete, coins
Harley Hollenstein, 
no title, 2021, 
latex, LED lights, trash
Harley Hollenstein, no title, 2021, latex, LED lights, trash
Harley Hollenstein, 
no title, 2021, 
latex, LED lights, trash
Harley Hollenstein, no title, 2021, latex, LED lights, trash
Latefa Wiersch, 
#Performer (from Artpop – To be high to be creative), ongoing since 2018
Latefa Wiersch, #Performer (from Artpop – To be high to be creative), ongoing since 2018
exhibition view
exhibition view
Giuliana Rosso, 
Bisbigli batterici, 2021, 
chalks on paper
Giuliana Rosso, Bisbigli batterici, 2021, chalks on paper
Giuliana Rosso, 
Bisbigli batterici, 2021, 
chalks on paper
Giuliana Rosso, Bisbigli batterici, 2021, chalks on paper
Bene Andrist, I want to go home, 2021, polyurethane
Bene Andrist, I want to go home, 2021, polyurethane
Bene Andrist, I want to go home, 2021, polyurethane
Bene Andrist, I want to go home, 2021, polyurethane
Noomi Gantert, Werkzeug, 1995, cotton
Noomi Gantert, Werkzeug, 1995, cotton
exhibition view
exhibition view
Lorenza Boisi, 
Gone by, 2018, ceramic
Lorenza Boisi, Gone by, 2018, ceramic


Eulachtunnel, Winterthur, Switzerland


01.09 –01.09.2021


hrüze gegi @hruezegegi


Jürgen Baumann


Harley Hollenstein #harleyhollenstein Latefa Wiersch @artpop_insta Giuliana Rosso @giuliana_rosso Jürgen Baumann @juergen_baumann Lorenza Boisi @lorenzaboisi Bene Andrist @woweemeowee Noomi Gantert #noomigantert Gaia Del Santo @3i3gaia3i3 Inside Job @ula.lucinska @michalknychaus