The aim of this show is to explore traumatic experiences, escaping from reality, and the influence of the current state of the world on the human psyche. We have observed people drifting in idleness and fear of the unknown, leading to escapism. This show offers a distant look at the forms of this lifestyle, giving space to observations in one’s own life and the life of others. During the opening of the exhibition Dena Doloresa Sircova’s performance “Sex Sex Sex” took place, where an erotic dancer performed, involving the public and parading with the actress in BDSM gear.
The variety in studies of the three artists present has allowed to develop the theme in various planes, environments, and realities. The show consists not only of visual and audial messages but the exchange of experiences in the form of discussion.
Dena Doloresa Sircova works with audiovisual media, performance, and virtual environments - video game experience. In her work, she discusses and searches symbols, traditional beliefs, and pop culture within the post-soviet context and how the environment and circumstances influence existing beliefs.
Gints Virgilijs Tilks has participated in the exhibition “Self-fulfilling prophecies” (2021). Works with photography, silkscreen, and installation.
Elizabete Andersone creates audiovisual artwork. Besides video, photo, and sound work she experiments in 3D environments and site-specific works with augmented reality.
Exposition supported by: State Culture Capital Foundation of Latvia (SCCF) and VKN