Erotic demand

07.04 –24.04.2022Curator
Mathilde GananciaPhotography
Léa MercierSubheadline
With a selection of texts by Hélène Cixous, Violette Leduc, Audre Lorde, bell hooks, Carol Rama, Dorothy Tse (translated by Hélène Baril), installed by CluelesSText
It starts with an essay, an erotic flask, a love refill, that snaps sharp into one's fingers and spills out into the world.
In 1978, Audre Lorde writes "Uses of the Erotic: The Erotic as Power", a power she urges women to take back. The erotic ideal is camped, she says, in the joy of doing and feeling while doing. It is a call to engage our bodies in their entirety, and in all the aspects of our lives – a guide towards excellence. The erotic power becomes an energetic base upon which a fertile ground of future forms and stories can blossom.
Five artists are invited to sit aside. They have laid all around more texts, from other authors, in the wet hollows of our cool, impatient space. A complex wiring operates from one to the other, like ramifications of their enjoyment. Disheveled queens speak of grandmother's liquid and the eroticism of the mad cow with their jewelled tongues. Violette pulls down her wig and spooks the wicked eyes. Love is at fight on the erotic cavalry.
On the walls: wild, ancestral forms, emerge like pressing desires and, then, slip away, empowered. The images untie themselves from their words, to find other ones; they pose, contemplate each other, and reunite in the secret pleasure of their libertinage. They skillfully stir the mucilaginous paste of a logic that swells as it is being shared.
There is the desire to stitch the erotic root nearly everywhere – in all our activities, and in the pornographic too. The erotic instinct must be tracked as a quest, where we don't expect it. Scepters, mounted with red, boiling, caramel apples, stick at first, then slide us down the throats of their stems, studious homes for suggesting changes. A cerulean blue run through the veins of those who follow what they want. A delicious fervor shakes, electrifies, as the hot sugar drips into the warm crotch. Her trembling fingers search, as they caress, and suddenly press, firmly, a hypothetical thought.
Clear intuition contracts, and turns into a source of information.
Instantly the pleasure brandishes new routes.
Mathilde Ganancia