Archive 2021 KubaParis

Adaptation I-Weary Friends

Francesco De Bernardi & Leonardo Pellicanò,"Every room contains a different possibility of us. Every narrative we construct will lead us to a false conclusion",2021,Graphite on paper- acrylic painting on fabric- magnets,120×90
Francesco De Bernardi & Leonardo Pellicanò,"Every room contains a different possibility of us. Every narrative we construct will lead us to a false conclusion",2021,Graphite on paper- acrylic painting on fabric- magnets,120×90
Francesco De Bernardi & Leonardo Pellicanò, Untitled(Adaptation),2021,Fabric- wood- watercolors- cardboard- oil paintings- light bulb- tissue paper- ink, 108x35x25
Francesco De Bernardi & Leonardo Pellicanò, Untitled(Adaptation),2021,Fabric- wood- watercolors- cardboard- oil paintings- light bulb- tissue paper- ink, 108x35x25


13 Vitrine


30.10 –27.11.2021


Stefania Carlotti and Margaux Dewarrat


This is ‘Weary Friends”, the first show in the format of ‘Adaptation’ the first episode of a series of bi-personal shows by Francesco De Bernardi and Leonardo Pellicanò. Hosted by 13 Vitrine,Renens,CH


This is ‘Weary Friends”, the first show in the format of ‘Adaptation’ the first episode of a series of bi-personal shows. In the film “Adaptation” by Charlie Kaufman, the screenwriter writes about himself nothing but a self obsession is left. The obsession is so strong that he splits himself into two characters. Like a cell splitting into two, because it is simply tired of itself. The main protagonist, Charlie Kaufman, in the attempt to write a screeplay about flowers, starts putting himself into his own script “ this is self-indulgent, narcissistic, solipsistic and pathetic ” He says. But despite this very accurate observation, he still does it. Like a serpent eating it’s own tail and at the same time complaining about the taste. Leonardo and Francesco can be very imaginative, extroverted, smart, young, curly, irresistibly sexy and angelic as hell, but also quite neurotic, and worried about many aspects of what happens in their lives. The script of their little lives is constantly writing itself, and they are the tired and axiety ridden protagonists. They often take out our their darkness on each other as a kind of extreme sport, that only requires a lack on inter-personal boundaries ( Maybe we should call it love? ) and basic texting skills. At least in the end there is a bitter humor hiding behind it all. This show is a celebration of our weariness, and it will go on in concentric circles, just like our thoughts will spiral back in a loop and hurt us once again. But evenutally, hopefully, through this exhausting process, we will find way out of it’s endless self-referencial repetition, into something else. Maybe death, maybe the spirit world Leonardo sometimes rants about, maybe just a nice dinner out. #KubaParisSubmission Adaptation I-Weary Friends #AdaptationIWearyFriends at 13 Vitrine @l3__vitrine #13Vitrine Artists: Francesco De Bernardi @francesco_de_bernardi #FrancescoDeBernardi Leonardo Pellicanò @leonardo.pllcn #LeonardoPellicanò Curator: Stefania Carlotti @stefaniacarlotti and Maragux Dewarrat @mgxltd #kubaparisexhibition #kubaparis