Archive 2022 KubaParis


iida-simon, odyssey g9, 2022, samsung screens, ⌀5m
iida-simon, odyssey g9, 2022, samsung screens, ⌀5m
iida-simon, ona julija lukas steponaityte, morgane fontaine, pauline millet, exhibition view, 2022, various installations
iida-simon, ona julija lukas steponaityte, morgane fontaine, pauline millet, exhibition view, 2022, various installations
iida-simon in collaboration with morgane fontaine and pauline millet, weeds, 2022, installation, 200cmx100cm
iida-simon in collaboration with morgane fontaine and pauline millet, weeds, 2022, installation, 200cmx100cm
iida-simon in collaboration with morgane fontaine and pauline millet, weeds, 2022, installation, 400cmx250cm
iida-simon in collaboration with morgane fontaine and pauline millet, weeds, 2022, installation, 400cmx250cm
iida-simon, ona julija lukas steponaityte, tin can and immersion heater, 2022, 40cmx25cm
iida-simon, ona julija lukas steponaityte, tin can and immersion heater, 2022, 40cmx25cm
iida-simon, darsha golova, scaffolding fabric, rope, 2022, 10mx4m
iida-simon, darsha golova, scaffolding fabric, rope, 2022, 10mx4m


De Thomas


07.06 –11.06.2022


ona julija lukas steponaityte


A temporary seizure in De Thomaskerk, Amsterdam. The work is made by a working group consisting of: iida jonsson, ssi saarinen, ona julija lukas steponaityte, darsha golova, jakob lavonius, joel werner, morgane fontaine and pauline millet


The intervention features four curved Samsung Odyssey G9 monitors, forming a circle. Most commonly used by bankers and gamers, the screens are home for casual simulations and reality-making. Here, they chant in an unfamiliar tongue. Through ruptures in the dusty concrete walls, a mixture of petroleum, raw potato, mold, teenage hope, and other scents are oozing like a layer of smog. Over the main window of the church, a curtain is hung, draped out of scaffolding material converting the reformist church into a cave. Seats with straps and harnesses offer a place to rest and wreaths of superweeds crown the altar. Through deliberate confusion, for the many, this re-ornamentation of the church is glossolalia. Yet for its few believers, it’s an Angus Dei's final bleat.