Archive 2022 KubaParis


Magdalena Kita Californication Towels, 2015, Paint on Towels, 180x90cm
Magdalena Kita Californication Towels, 2015, Paint on Towels, 180x90cm
Magdalena Kita Californication Towels, 2015, Paint on Towels, 180x90cm
Magdalena Kita Californication Towels, 2015, Paint on Towels, 180x90cm
Anys Reimann, Yael Kempf and Theresa Weber
Anys Reimann, Yael Kempf and Theresa Weber
Theresa Weber
Theresa Weber
Anys Reimann
Anys Reimann
Anys Reimann, Linda Nadji
Anys Reimann, Linda Nadji
Anys Reimann, Yaël Kempf  and Theresa Weber
Anys Reimann, Yaël Kempf and Theresa Weber
Anys Reimann, Yaël Kempf  and Theresa Weber
Anys Reimann, Yaël Kempf and Theresa Weber
Nora Hansen, LIsa Alice Klosterkötter
Nora Hansen, LIsa Alice Klosterkötter
Nora Hansen, LIsa Alice Klosterkötter
Nora Hansen, LIsa Alice Klosterkötter
Susanne Kamps
Susanne Kamps
Linda Nadji
Linda Nadji
Yaël Kempf
Yaël Kempf
Susanne Kamps, Theresa Weber
Susanne Kamps, Theresa Weber


Mouches Volantes at Bienvenue Art Fair


04.04 –09.04.2022


Ihsan Alisan


Amir Tikriti


Concepts of constructions of identity and expressions through art and fashion.


The exhibition combines artworks that question concepts of constructions of identity and expressions through art and fashion. The colorful oil paintings of Dusseldorf based artist Susanne Kamps kick off the show with the opulence of Parisian shop windows and inside views of fashion designers studios. The collaboration of the Cologne based artists Nora Hansen and Lisa Alice Klosterkötter intervenes arts and fashion combining silk paintings, bags and outer wear within a capsule collection. The concrete sculptures of cologne based artist Linda Nadji play with joy and burden of handbags and at the same time monumentalizes the obsession for them. Dusseldorf based artist Anys Reimann shows leather and fur collages dealing with questions of cultural identity between self-attribution and attribution by others and myths or folk tales. The chain structures of London based artist Theresa Weber are part of a bigger installation that transforms from space to space, in analogy to the transformation that people perform in different spaces containing elements for the construction of being. Like a soundtrack for the runway, the Dusseldorf based artist Yaël Kempf presents a site specific sound installation in the bathroom, along with colorful silkscreened and hand painted towels by the Cologne artist Magdalena Kita.

Ihsan Alisan