Archive 2021 KubaParis

tame hosts

Eating clichés, 2021, oil on canvas, 80x120 cm
Eating clichés, 2021, oil on canvas, 80x120 cm
Untitled (pompous posturing), 2021, oil on canvas, 60x50 cm
Untitled (pompous posturing), 2021, oil on canvas, 60x50 cm
Untitled (formal party), 2021, oil on canvas, 60x51 cm
Untitled (formal party), 2021, oil on canvas, 60x51 cm
Somebody with artichokes (rich version), 2021, oil on canvas, 65x55 cm
Somebody with artichokes (rich version), 2021, oil on canvas, 65x55 cm




15.10 –30.10.2021


Ani Gurashvili, Niclas Schöler


Manuel Carreon Lopez/


Sarah Bechter 'tame hosts' 17. 10 – 31. 10. 21 at Pilot, Vienna


tame hosts formal frame gathered for spumante lucid excitement dark dimmed topoi somebody standing in porcelain paleness porcelain swish swish in frozen symmetry swishing at your beck and call for this reception dressed in blush for this occasion blush over blues contemplating violets for somebody or somebody else’s delight standing table set with nothing thirsty color liquid someone serving something tame tame tam-tam eating clichés with garnish in the fume of verbal imprecision your elbow is my cutlery when we stretch the sparkles of our superficial tongue the social fabric is an outspread oilcloth mirroring no, measuring each offers niceties

Sarah Bechter