Archive 2021 KubaParis

4 1/2 rooms


Galerie Georg Nothelfer


24.11 –11.02.2022


Vera Ehe


Gernot Seeliger


Taxes & Tantra by Pegasus Product (Dargelos Kersten, Anton Peitersen, Gernot Seeliger) is an Installation in the Groupshow 4 1/2 rooms at Galerie Georg Nothelfer. Have your taxes and chakras massaged!


The white snake head lay in front of the entrance. Welcome to the welcome room. Sit in the UnbequEames Chair, feel the open pressboard underneath the ex-matress cushion. Sit on the foam roll, minimal divan, or on the Charlemagne throne replica from kitchen worktops with fake stone decors. Charge from the combined office/salt-chrystal lamp. Fill out your application form. Enter your massage desires and tax concerns. How much detail are you willing to consider? How much texture can you tolerate? The snake body twists around the corner into the massage room. Follow the vertical blinds, they are hanging from paragraphs, soaked with coffee, energised by crystals. Don’t worry - the massage bench with bent clothes horses for footing is to remind you of massage, thus massaging your mind. Your spirit body could be mapped to it‘s decor of galaxies from burnt-in candles and coffee-mug stains. Check out our Billy-Oil-Bar ! A selection of oils for your pleasure- visually and physically. The pyramid at the bottom is for amplification. The blocks are said to have healing effects. Absorb the calm of the construction foam flower altar, the pulsing father figures right and left protect it. Your future massage-bedding, the german flag, is folded in towels in the mini-billy-sideboard. A clay flame god hovers above. Inspect potential massage tools on the robo-heat-butler and imagine how they might feel on your body. Undress as much as is OK behind the blinds. Get comfy on the black-red-gold. Absorb the radiation from the office ceiling emerging himalaya from fluorescent, reflected and potentised. Close your eyes. Warm lubricants. Relax. How can you tell the tax authority that you moved? …you just write an informal letter with your old and new adress - be sure to put your tax id … ahh - more oil. How do your internet expenses calculate into your EÜR? …Best use the fixed sum allowed per month… will you go for more after all? Maybe even inner yoni? Taxes and Tantra is a work by the shared practice called „Pegasus Product“ between Dargelos Kersten, Anton Peitersen and Gernot Seeliger, in form of a massage clinic at Galerie Georg Nothelfer Berlin. Massages performed by Micha P.

Dargelos Kersten