#TGIF (Thank God It's Fungible)

BROWNIE ProjectDate
05.11 –13.02.2022Photography
Ziling ZhouSubheadline
#TGIF (Thank God It’s Fungible) features segments of 9 artists’ consistent practice. The multi-scened exhibition space constituted by installations, sound, paintings, sculptures and mixed-media moving images unfolds life's fungible moments as mankind starts to enter a Metaverse signified by non-fungibles. #TGIF seeks to unveil the interlinked and ever-compatible realities within the static facades of what we see. Artists: Cai Yaling, Cao Shu, Chen Wencun, Teom Chen, Nicole L’Huillier, Lin Wen, Mauro Martinez, Wang Sicheng, Xue FeiText
When we talk about "fungible" in 2021, we think of NFT (non-fungible tokens), which represents uniqueness and certainty with an aura of data and money sign, voyaging the encrypted cloud of fixed assets and ownership. Conversely, “fungible” tends towards relatively sleazy, to be replaced and converted. It is not scarce. It is homogeneous, an eraser of privilege - These impressions all seem logical at the blockchain and coding level. Whether we turn our back on or embrace it, we all are, to some extent, quickly entangled by this snow crash of “certainty is justice". We sniff around like meerkats to test the security level brought by the non-alterable technology, and gradually (have to) entrust ourselves to the related-public opinion and data.
Let's briefly leave the Metaverse and focus on what we see: this gallery. Look around. Name something within your scope that you think can never be replaced or changed. Think about if it does exist. In these interspersed scenes built by artists, we feel charmed and perplexed by their forms. We can somehow figure out familiar cultural imprints and social symbols, some of which are even ghostly at first glance. Feel all of these works reaching out to you with their crinkled hands of possibilities, inviting you to grasp the uncertain and the interchangeable. Let your mind work freely and pry into the ambiguous pores of these works. Let your decentralized imaginations imagine their connection with you.
A splash of out-of-control and intimacy. A posture open to any indifference or judgment. An open-sourced space for the mind and feelings to dance. All experiences and thoughts can be copied, circulated, infinitely established and overruled. Hand the right to express from binary rigidity to your indigenous perception. You know, that chaotic yet beautiful burst can only be fostered in the most basic non-fungible unit in the world - you, me, every human individual.
This exhibition does not provide a definite or single answer. Everything is about fungibility, except fungibility. Fungibility is about existence.
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