Archive 2022 KubaParis

The sun for all

Daria Melnikova, The sun for all, 2022, exhibition view, L’Ascensore, Palermo
Daria Melnikova, The sun for all, 2022, exhibition view, L’Ascensore, Palermo
Daria Melnikova, The sun for all, 2022, exhibition view, L’Ascensore, Palermo
Daria Melnikova, The sun for all, 2022, exhibition view, L’Ascensore, Palermo
Daria Melnikova, The sun for all, 2022, exhibition view, L’Ascensore, Palermo
Daria Melnikova, The sun for all, 2022, exhibition view, L’Ascensore, Palermo
Daria Melnikova, The sun for all, 2022, plaster, clay and metal, detail, L’Ascensore, Palermo
Daria Melnikova, The sun for all, 2022, plaster, clay and metal, detail, L’Ascensore, Palermo
Daria Melnikova, The sun for all, 2022, plaster, clay, metal, cotton, spray color, detail, L’Ascensore, Palermo
Daria Melnikova, The sun for all, 2022, plaster, clay, metal, cotton, spray color, detail, L’Ascensore, Palermo
Daria Melnikova, The sun for all, 2022, plaster, clay, metal, cotton, spray color, detail, L’Ascensore, Palermo
Daria Melnikova, The sun for all, 2022, plaster, clay, metal, cotton, spray color, detail, L’Ascensore, Palermo
Daria Melnikova, The sun for all, 2022, plaster, clay, metal, cotton, spray color, detail, L’Ascensore, Palermo
Daria Melnikova, The sun for all, 2022, plaster, clay, metal, cotton, spray color, detail, L’Ascensore, Palermo
Daria Melnikova, The sun for all, 2022, exhibition view, L’Ascensore, Palermo
Daria Melnikova, The sun for all, 2022, exhibition view, L’Ascensore, Palermo
Daria Melnikova, The sun for all, 2022, plaster, clay, metal, cotton, spray color, detail, L’Ascensore, Palermo
Daria Melnikova, The sun for all, 2022, plaster, clay, metal, cotton, spray color, detail, L’Ascensore, Palermo




25.02 –09.04.2022


Carlo Corona


Filippo M. Nicoletti


Daria Melnikova investigates the moment when suspense intercepts the light. The horizon is a doorstep, a simple line beyond which the universe is unknown. Each time you learn something new, the experience slips a little further so that the reflection on the concept of infinity starts with a series of sensorial perceptions. As in Giacomo Leopardi’s poem, the poetic subject that Melnikova investigates allows her to reflect on the concept of infinity, starting from finite situations.


Suddenly a revelation. To be able to think it’s necessary to achieve an original context to which everything belongs, an attempt of thought that enters into an unknown world, in an harmony between the eye and the gaze, between feeling and understanding, between exterior and interior. It’s the encounter between the physics of the visible and the metaphysics of the invisible that goes beyond the limit of the real and attempts to grasp the presence of the immaterial. Daria Melnikova moves in a balance between the aesthetically flawless and the intriguing, between the artisanal product and mass product. Her works range from sculptures linked to modernism using warm and patterned fabrics to clay prototypes with imprints and deformities typical of hand-made works. The Sun For All is intertwined in a path made of palpable (and non-palpable) references that function as narratives and atmospheres to be lived and experienced, emotional feelings to be crossed, surrounded by a mysterious air. It’s not easy to explain the way the shape appears, cause it seems to take sides against itself, maybe it wants to be, or is also something else, or rather decadent and refined, silent and confusing, sumptuous and obscene at the same time. On the one hand, the world shows itself in one way, on the other, in its exact opposite: it can happen, at a certain point, that for an inexplicable fascination, the extremes come together, sometimes for a moment, sometimes forever on a enlightened street. Copernicus said that the Sun is among everyone, someone call it lamp of the world, others brains, others governor, others he who sees all. Melnikova’s work then looks to a Sun that frees itself from the weight of material reality and joins the substance of the universe and underlines the presence of a spiritual Sun. It is a Sun that renews the individual’s relationship with the world, which changes the original melancholy gaze into something dynamic, in an invitation, made first to oneself and then to others, to descend into the dimension of those who have discovered the inexhaustible. She investigates the moment when suspense intercepts the light. The horizon is a doorstep, a simple line beyond which the universe is unknown. Each time you learn something new, the experience slips a little further so that the reflection on the concept of infinity starts with a series of sensorial perceptions. As in Giacomo Leopardi’s poem, the poetic subject that Melnikova investigates allows her to reflect on the concept of infinity, starting from finite situations. The horizon threshold will inspire the imagination of boundless spaces. Each language, each imagination spurs us to explore new possibilities. The Sun For All aims to be a meditative moment, a greeting to the sun, to the daily routine, to architectural details and casual moments, trying to renovate the internal logic. It is an act of concrete fluidification of the will that arises through asceticism whereby concrete ideas pass through the astral aura of the earth and are collected by a cupbearer at the foot of the Sun. It is a unique combination of time, space, sky and the rising sun. The Sun For All is a complex recording but at the same time an emblem of what happened, it remains today to remind us of the intensity of the Sicilian experience.

Carlo Corona