A bit on the side

Künstlerhaus DortmundDate
23.10 –27.11.2021Curator
Maria Schleiner, Elly Valk-VerheijenPhotography
Roland BaegeSubheadline
Marta Colombo, Nina Brauhauser, Evelina Cajacob, Anna Lytton, Gerhard Reinert, Mira Schumann, Samuel TreindlText
The concept of this exhibition "a bit on the side III - Zeichnung auf Seitenwegen" starts with drawings showing furthermore results to another way. The focus is on a drawing access, changing itself forward or by its special creating process, already carrying the change within itself to open other areas like colors, text, objects getting three-dimensional, getting sound or words, beginning to move in reality or in mind.
"a bit on the side III - Zeichnung auf Seitenwegen"shows such kind of works. Works in which a drawing is the starting point, the point at which it ends, and at the same time the focus is, because it thoroughly takes new paths, detours, side paths, using other areas and artistic expressions and can expand itself.
Mira Schumann