Archive 2022 KubaParis

Théorie trou du cul

01 - Anouchka Oler Nussbaum - Exhibition view - Front of the sculpture.
01 - Anouchka Oler Nussbaum - Exhibition view - Front of the sculpture.
02 - Anouchka Oler Nussbaum - Exhibition view - Back of the sculpture.
02 - Anouchka Oler Nussbaum - Exhibition view - Back of the sculpture.
04 - Anouchka Oler Nussbaum - Exhibition view
04 - Anouchka Oler Nussbaum - Exhibition view
06 - Anouchka Oler Nussbaum - Exhibition view
06 - Anouchka Oler Nussbaum - Exhibition view
07 - Anouchka Oler Nussbaum – Exhibition view - Curtain (curtains, costume and props made for former performances)
07 - Anouchka Oler Nussbaum – Exhibition view - Curtain (curtains, costume and props made for former performances)
08 - Anouchka Oler Nussbaum - Exhibition view - Series of posters made for former performances.
08 - Anouchka Oler Nussbaum - Exhibition view - Series of posters made for former performances.
09 - Anouchka Oler Nussbaum - Exhibition view
09 - Anouchka Oler Nussbaum - Exhibition view
010 - Anouchka Oler Nussbaum - Exhibition view
010 - Anouchka Oler Nussbaum - Exhibition view
011 - Anouchka Oler Nussbaum - Exhibition view - Ceramic altar piece displaying all the guests of The Drama More Show (pilote) framed in wood. Displayed on top of a shelf covered in stretched fabric.
011 - Anouchka Oler Nussbaum - Exhibition view - Ceramic altar piece displaying all the guests of The Drama More Show (pilote) framed in wood. Displayed on top of a shelf covered in stretched fabric.
012 - Anouchka Oler Nussbaum - Exhibition view - Entrance to the sculpture. 013 - Anouchka Oler Nussbaum – Exhibition view Asshole (plaster, pigment and wax)
012 - Anouchka Oler Nussbaum - Exhibition view - Entrance to the sculpture. 013 - Anouchka Oler Nussbaum – Exhibition view Asshole (plaster, pigment and wax)
013 - Anouchka Oler Nussbaum – Exhibition view Asshole (plaster, pigment and wax)
013 - Anouchka Oler Nussbaum – Exhibition view Asshole (plaster, pigment and wax)
015 - Anouchka Oler Nussbaum - Exhibition view
015 - Anouchka Oler Nussbaum - Exhibition view
017 - Anouchka Oler Nussbaum - Exhibition view - Structure made to fit the roof of a car to announce the performance in town.
017 - Anouchka Oler Nussbaum - Exhibition view - Structure made to fit the roof of a car to announce the performance in town.
018 - Anouchka Oler Nussbaum - Exhibition view Inside of the sculpture. Straight Girls, oil and glitters on wood. Inside the sculpture.
018 - Anouchka Oler Nussbaum - Exhibition view Inside of the sculpture. Straight Girls, oil and glitters on wood. Inside the sculpture.
019 - Anouchka Oler Nussbaum - Exhibition view- Inside of the sculpture. Back of the fountain. Boots, plastic tube and purple satin.
019 - Anouchka Oler Nussbaum - Exhibition view- Inside of the sculpture. Back of the fountain. Boots, plastic tube and purple satin.
020 - Anouchka Oler Nussbaum - Exhibition view - Inside of the sculpture. Wooden ladder covered in purple satin, ceramic and pink satin ribbon
020 - Anouchka Oler Nussbaum - Exhibition view - Inside of the sculpture. Wooden ladder covered in purple satin, ceramic and pink satin ribbon
021 - Anouchka Oler Nussbaum - Exhibition view - Silkscreened poster for a cancelled dog fashion show displayed in the toilet of the space.
021 - Anouchka Oler Nussbaum - Exhibition view - Silkscreened poster for a cancelled dog fashion show displayed in the toilet of the space.
023 – Anouchka Oler Nussbaum - Exhibition view
023 – Anouchka Oler Nussbaum - Exhibition view
026 - Anouchka Oler Nussbaum - Exhibition view - Installation of The Drama More Show (Pilote), Video, pink light bulbs and golden tassels. The video is produced in the framework of "la vie bonne", a programme supported by the Centre national des arts plastiques and AWARE: Archives of Women Artists, Research and Exhibitions. Cnap collection. 2021
026 - Anouchka Oler Nussbaum - Exhibition view - Installation of The Drama More Show (Pilote), Video, pink light bulbs and golden tassels. The video is produced in the framework of "la vie bonne", a programme supported by the Centre national des arts plastiques and AWARE: Archives of Women Artists, Research and Exhibitions. Cnap collection. 2021


La Tôlerie


02.02 –14.04.2022


La Tôlerie


Ludovic Combe


Théorie Trou du cul is a solo exhibition of Anouchka Oler Nussbaum held at the art space La Tôlerie in Clermont-Ferrand from February 3rd to April 15th 2022.


Théorie Trou du cul is a solo exhibition of Anouchka Oler Nussbaum held at the art space La Tôlerie in Clermont-Ferrand from February 3rd to April 15th 2022. The asshole is a way of exploring the body. You look for things, you put things in, you take things out. It is connected to the mouth by the digestive tract. My mouth and my ass. The anus evacuates the residues of digestion, of transformed matter. To contain stories and things, I made a sculpture that absorbs and rejects. A bit of a carrier bag but as an asshole. An Existenz hole that connects to other things - a dark, final, obscure and obscene, abject hole. I keep treasures in my ass. Rough and strong translation of 'queer theory' by Sam Bourcier and Paul Preciado. Osculum Infame. Shirime is a yōkai -a spirit- who has an eye instead of an anus. Look at my soul through my ass. The exhibition is articulated around a moving sculpture. Conceived as an organism, the sculpture has a front, a back and sides. You can also go inside. One of its sides exhibits a wax anus that communicates with the interior of the sculpture suggesting a path of exploration and a peep hole. There was a story that was lingering in a corner of my head. An anecdote I had heard several times coming from Sam Bourcier who proposed with Paul B. Preciado to translate "queer theory" in French as "théorie trou cul" (asshole theory). Sam Bourcier speaks of an act of language. To say, we remain in the abject and we don't want to be digested by capitalism and heteronormativity. The anecdote came back to me when I was thinking about the main sculpture, when I had decided to craft an asshole for it. I wanted to use this asshole as a narrative articulator, an organ that absorbs and rejects. It was a way of continuing this act of language, but also of underlining the way I have of thinking, of producing stories - which is to absorb and reject - something that goes through digestion. The asshole side is designed to welcome and announce the performance Des Fins, Des Mondes where I will be joined by the artists, poets and musicians etaïnn zwer, gladys, Benjamin Seror and Simon Asencio in a cabaret that seeks to respond to the eurocentric vision of the apocalypse concept and to invest ways of staying with the trouble. On its other side, the sculpture displays the video Le Drama More Show (Pilote), a pilot of a game show. Drama More hosts a bingo show in which each number she draws announces a guest and their number which she receives on her set. Dressed as a parrot, she carries their voices in her beak. These numbers arranged in the random order of the bingo participate in the disruption of the great narratives of success and happiness through heuristic quests that are both playful and incarnated through bodies, materials and stories. They delicately pull intertwined strings of narratives and ways of being in the world, of being to oneself that are reparative and emancipatory : a bandage presents its thesis on reparative practices among groups of political lesbians, a sculpture is interviewed about its history, a make-up tutorial teaches us to see better. The numbers carefully strive the idea of refusing a good life that is impossible, vampiric, abusive, heteronormative and yet presented as so desirable.

Anouchka Oler Nussbaum