Archive 2021 KubaParis

with a glad heart

Sasha Zirulnik January found object, metal, ceramic, oil paint 2020
Sasha Zirulnik January found object, metal, ceramic, oil paint 2020
Michele Gabriele    It’s always so hard to admit that things are different than what we had believed at first sight Paint, epoxy clay, steel, cables, digital print, glass, rubber, 2019
Michele Gabriele It’s always so hard to admit that things are different than what we had believed at first sight Paint, epoxy clay, steel, cables, digital print, glass, rubber, 2019
Tom Volkaert Souvenir From Belgium epoxy, resin 2020
Tom Volkaert Souvenir From Belgium epoxy, resin 2020
Lena Henke Spaziergang in Lembug glazed ceramic2 2020 *exhibited courtesy of Bortolami (NY, NY)
Lena Henke Spaziergang in Lembug glazed ceramic2 2020 *exhibited courtesy of Bortolami (NY, NY)




31.10 –30.11.2021


Philip Hinge


Michele Gabriele, Lena Henke, Tom Volkaert, Sasha Zirulnik @ darkZone, NJ


#KubaParisSubmission with a glad heart #withagladheart at darkZone #darkZone Artist(s): Michele Gabriele @michele__gabriele #michelegabriele Lena Henke (courtesy of Bortolami, NY) @anotherharddayattheoffice @bortolamigallery #lenahenke #bortolamigallery Tom Volkaert @c0ldchain #tomvolkaert Sasha Zirulnik @no_sense_of_self #sashazirulnik Curator: Philip Hinge @philip_hinge #philiphinge #kubaparisexhibition #kubaparis

Philip Hinge