What is objective? The weather.
What is consciousness? Rain on your face.
What is subjective? “My hairstyle is a mess and my make-up is ruined.” Objective is what happens.
Consciousness is presence.
Subjective is complaint.
Objectivity is appropriation.
Consciousness is absorbency.
Subjectivity is defeat.
Object is ground.
Consciousness is mask.
Subject is projectile.
Your Face is So Mysteriously Kind
What is objective? The weather.
What is consciousness? Rain on your face.
What is subjective? “My hairstyle is a mess and my make-up is ruined.” Objective is what happens.
Consciousness is presence.
Subjective is complaint.
Objectivity is appropriation.
Consciousness is absorbency.
Subjectivity is defeat.
Object is ground.
Consciousness is mask.
Subject is projectile.
You say:
“there is much to be learned by hurling ourselves, again and again, against the bars of our cage. It is in our necessary failures as much as in our partial, modest and always fragile successes that we learn how this society has crippled us, what it strips from us in terms of dignity and fulfilled desire. But we shouldn’t pretend that we are liberated when we are not.”