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KUBAPARIS ATELIER presents artists and their ateliers from all over the globe. This time you will get a glimpse into the world of the painter Jose Bonell.
Age: 33
Education: Faculty of Fine Arts, Barcelona
Current location: Barcelona
A work of yours that you particularly like and why?
I tend to prefer the latest paintings. In this case it’s "The Lesson", a work that I recently exhibited in my last show "Scenes of Painterhood" at Semiose, Paris. The Lesson is about the famous Irish legend that a teacher imparts through mathematical formulas. It is a somewhat critical yet poignant image with which I wanted to express how we are educated to monetize our dreams and fantasies. In short, a sweet critique of capital.
What is your favorite part of your job?
I don't have only one, but a very important one is when I stop painting and I sit in front of my works, glimpsing new relationships, how a whole newborn world takes shape, dialoguing with itself. It is a beautiful reverie that gives birth to new images.
What makes something worth making?
As a creator, I’d say that it’s an impulse of life, an attempt to extend it, to expand it and at the same time, a fight against time. As a spectator, I need those other worlds that oxygenate our daily life, so suffocating at times and monotonous. It is wonderful to discover an original voice among so much noise. It is a necessity.
From which artist would you like to own a work?
Gertrude Abercrombie, the Queen of the Bohemian Artists
Which art movement has inspired you the most so far?
More than a movement, what has inspired me has been the avant-garde spirit and its unclassifiable characters. As a movement I must mention surrealism, which is the movement that has best linked poetry and art in the same object or image.
Website: https://www.josebonell.com/
Instagram: @jose.bonell
Photography credit: Aina Diago @aina3d
© 2023 : Jose Bonell