Anna Ruth


,,Moths’ Face” 150x150 2024 acryl & pigment na plátně

,,Moths’ Face II.” 150x150 Acryl na plátně 2024

,,Early Snails” 150x150 acryl na plátně 2024

,,The Sun” 150x150 acryl & pigment 2024
Above all, Anna Ruth's new exhibition Spinning Shadows, Weaving Light freely talks about fragility, transformation and personal growth. The basis of her visual thinking is a personal mythology transposed into general principles that define the different phases of life. Her distinctive visual language builds on a natural sense of symbolic expression, the emotive urgency of her handwriting and a captivating neo-romantic atmosphere. As a whole, the layered, meaningfully open image-object installation creates an initiatory environment that has the ability to transform the whirl of the everyday into an existential, intimate process. A labyrinth of opposites - light and dark, butterfly and moth, fate and will.