Alexandra Metcalf, Angélique Heidler, Arash Nassiri, Bruno Zhu, Colin Campbell, Keith Farquhar, Sam Cottington


Project Info

  • 💙 Nir Altman, Munich
  • 💚 Organised by Ginny on Frederick, London
  • 🖤 Alexandra Metcalf, Angélique Heidler, Arash Nassiri, Bruno Zhu, Colin Campbell, Keith Farquhar, Sam Cottington
  • 💜 Freddie Powell
  • 💛 Dirk Tacke

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Gossips - Alexandra Metcalf, Angelique Heidler, Arash Nassiri, Bruno Zhu, Colin Campbell Keith Farquhar, Sam Cottington. Organised by Ginny on Frederick, London and Nir Altman, Munich (3)
Gossips - Alexandra Metcalf, Angelique Heidler, Arash Nassiri, Bruno Zhu, Colin Campbell Keith Farquhar, Sam Cottington. Organised by Ginny on Frederick, London and Nir Altman, Munich (3)
Colin Campbell - The Woman Who Went Too Far, 1984, single channel video, colour, 10min (5)
Colin Campbell - The Woman Who Went Too Far, 1984, single channel video, colour, 10min (5)
Gossips - Alexandra Metcalf, Angelique Heidler, Arash Nassiri, Bruno Zhu, Colin Campbell Keith Farquhar, Sam Cottington. Organised by Ginny on Frederick, London and Nir Altman, Munich (1)
Gossips - Alexandra Metcalf, Angelique Heidler, Arash Nassiri, Bruno Zhu, Colin Campbell Keith Farquhar, Sam Cottington. Organised by Ginny on Frederick, London and Nir Altman, Munich (1)
Alexandra Metcalf - Antimatter Flower, 2024, steel, iron, Buttons, wood, nylon, paint, silicone 178x100x95 cm. Courtesy of the artist and Ginny on Frederick, London (2)
Alexandra Metcalf - Antimatter Flower, 2024, steel, iron, Buttons, wood, nylon, paint, silicone 178x100x95 cm. Courtesy of the artist and Ginny on Frederick, London (2)
Alexandra Metcalf - Antimatter Flower (detail 2), 2024, steel, iron, Buttons, wood, nylon, paint, silicone 178x100x95 cm. Courtesy of the artist and Ginny on Frederick, London
Alexandra Metcalf - Antimatter Flower (detail 2), 2024, steel, iron, Buttons, wood, nylon, paint, silicone 178x100x95 cm. Courtesy of the artist and Ginny on Frederick, London
Gossips - Alexandra Metcalf, Angelique Heidler, Arash Nassiri, Bruno Zhu, Colin Campbell Keith Farquhar, Sam Cottington. Organised by Ginny on Frederick, London and Nir Altman, Munich (7)
Gossips - Alexandra Metcalf, Angelique Heidler, Arash Nassiri, Bruno Zhu, Colin Campbell Keith Farquhar, Sam Cottington. Organised by Ginny on Frederick, London and Nir Altman, Munich (7)
Angelique Heidler - Val de Marne 2000, 2023, acrylic on sewn textiles 300x150 cm (4)
Angelique Heidler - Val de Marne 2000, 2023, acrylic on sewn textiles 300x150 cm (4)
Gossips - Alexandra Metcalf, Angelique Heidler, Arash Nassiri, Bruno Zhu, Colin Campbell Keith Farquhar, Sam Cottington. Organised by Ginny on Frederick, London and Nir Altman, Munich (4)
Gossips - Alexandra Metcalf, Angelique Heidler, Arash Nassiri, Bruno Zhu, Colin Campbell Keith Farquhar, Sam Cottington. Organised by Ginny on Frederick, London and Nir Altman, Munich (4)
Bruno Zhu - Are you ok??!?????, 2024, textiles, quartz clock movements, batteries, foam, plastic, dimensions variable (1)
Bruno Zhu - Are you ok??!?????, 2024, textiles, quartz clock movements, batteries, foam, plastic, dimensions variable (1)
Bruno Zhu - Are you ok??!????? (detail 2), 2024, textiles, quartz clock movements, batteries, foam, plastic, dimensions variable
Bruno Zhu - Are you ok??!????? (detail 2), 2024, textiles, quartz clock movements, batteries, foam, plastic, dimensions variable
Gossips - Alexandra Metcalf, Angelique Heidler, Arash Nassiri, Bruno Zhu, Colin Campbell Keith Farquhar, Sam Cottington. Organised by Ginny on Frederick, London and Nir Altman, Munich (15)
Gossips - Alexandra Metcalf, Angelique Heidler, Arash Nassiri, Bruno Zhu, Colin Campbell Keith Farquhar, Sam Cottington. Organised by Ginny on Frederick, London and Nir Altman, Munich (15)
Sam Cottington - Air, 2024, oil and pencil on canvas 70x99 cm (1)
Sam Cottington - Air, 2024, oil and pencil on canvas 70x99 cm (1)
Arash Nassiri - Untitled, 2024, mixed media (lcd screen, led lamps, custom software, 2 video loops), 60x23x35 cm, edition of 2+1AP (5)
Arash Nassiri - Untitled, 2024, mixed media (lcd screen, led lamps, custom software, 2 video loops), 60x23x35 cm, edition of 2+1AP (5)
Arash Nassiri - Untitled, 2024, mixed media (lcd screen, led lamps, custom software, 2 video loops), 60x23x35 cm, edition of 2+1AP (1)
Arash Nassiri - Untitled, 2024, mixed media (lcd screen, led lamps, custom software, 2 video loops), 60x23x35 cm, edition of 2+1AP (1)
Gossips - Alexandra Metcalf, Angelique Heidler, Arash Nassiri, Bruno Zhu, Colin Campbell Keith Farquhar, Sam Cottington. Organised by Ginny on Frederick, London and Nir Altman, Munich (11)
Gossips - Alexandra Metcalf, Angelique Heidler, Arash Nassiri, Bruno Zhu, Colin Campbell Keith Farquhar, Sam Cottington. Organised by Ginny on Frederick, London and Nir Altman, Munich (11)
Gossips - Alexandra Metcalf, Angelique Heidler, Arash Nassiri, Bruno Zhu, Colin Campbell Keith Farquhar, Sam Cottington. Organised by Ginny on Frederick, London and Nir Altman, Munich (10)
Gossips - Alexandra Metcalf, Angelique Heidler, Arash Nassiri, Bruno Zhu, Colin Campbell Keith Farquhar, Sam Cottington. Organised by Ginny on Frederick, London and Nir Altman, Munich (10)
Keith Farquhar - Taking down the strip-lights at Charity, 2024, dye Sublimation on Polyester faux fur, 31x21 cm (2)
Keith Farquhar - Taking down the strip-lights at Charity, 2024, dye Sublimation on Polyester faux fur, 31x21 cm (2)
Keith Farquhar - Headspace App, 2024, dye Sublimation on Polyester faux fur, 26x21 cm (1)
Keith Farquhar - Headspace App, 2024, dye Sublimation on Polyester faux fur, 26x21 cm (1)
Angelique Heidler - Spinoza de Renée, 2023, acrylic, collage, glossy varnish and silkscreen on canvas, 80x80 cm (2)
Angelique Heidler - Spinoza de Renée, 2023, acrylic, collage, glossy varnish and silkscreen on canvas, 80x80 cm (2)
Gossip never sleeps. The silent mechanisms of gossip, now considered an important social skill, is the driving force behind this exhibition. It’s something I’ve been thinking about forever. I’m also currently thinking about how Bruno’s soft-watch can tell secrets, ticking backwards, or perhaps it’s able to keep them instead. Just like the small flashing screens in Arash’s buildings. When do we start to stop telling stories and start telling facts? Gossip should and can be very useful, a framework, the subversive form that allows someone or something to resist, exist, believe, forget and change. Sam did it in his recent book, People Person, and now does it with his paintings. Everyone should read Sam’s book. I love it. The works in Gossips connect through a sensibility, something specific and disconnected, similar to the mood-boards offered up in Angelique’s paintings and the snapshots of friends, people and things found in Keith’s furs. We should talk about visual gossip a lot more. Makeshift knowledge, always historically overlooked, is an attitude. You know it when you see it. Alexandra’s flower’s embody this, and more, always on the verge of screaming out. Everything has a dark side, as you’ll see in Colin’s video. Keep this all to yourself.
Freddie Powell