Archive 2020 KubaParis





19.11 –15.01.2021


Simon Vogel


The materialization of colors is the origin of every work by Anna Virnich. On display are fine fabrics made of mustard-yellow crepe, silky taffeta in lavender shades and rectangles of wrinkled, coarse-pored nettle. In its radiance, a royal blue attracts all the attention of the moment, salmon-colored silk slides between crepe de chine and ultramarine. The middle edge is folded so that the end tapers to a sharper point. The seams connect it and separate it from the rest of the composition: its shape describes the space. Khaki over a jade green stripe: Each painting features landmarks through which deep canyons or protective coats are created. A painting can rage and rest, roar or be tame. It can trigger excitement, expectation, and also uncertainty, which can make it seem alive. In their abstract transience, these works have been put together to form a body that grows beyond itself. The penetrating image seems to want to communicate itself. This body here in space is not an image, but rather a hybrid, something bundled, crossed and mixed, which reveals itself in the echo of its whisper. - Marlene Schenk

Marlene Schenk