Bread Is Made of Stone
Ani Molnár Gallery, Budapest, HungaryDate
14.10 –11.12.2020Curator
Ember Sári, Courtesy of the artists and Ani Molnár GallerySubheadline
The exhibition brings together Sári Ember’s objects and Eszter Kállay’s poems and short prose fictions. The exhibitors deal – in different ways, but in close dialogue with each other – with the experience of the own body and the social gaze casting upon it. The personal feelings, experienced in the frames of holidays and weekdays, home and public spaces, are informed by questions of the generations, strains, stories, embarrassments, expectations and conforming, the (changing) social reality.Text
The autonomous, yet similarly evolving artistic practices of Sári Ember and Eszter Kállay – the artist and the poet – now meet in the form of common exhibition at Ani Molnár Gallery. The exhibition Bread Is Made of Stone brings together Sári Ember’s objects and Eszter Kállay’s poems and short prose fictions. The exhibitors deal – in different ways, but in close dialogue with each other – with the experience of the own body and the social gaze casting upon it. The personal feelings, experienced in the frames of holidays and everydays, home and public spaces, are informed by questions of the generations, strains, stories, embarrassments, expectations and conforming, the (changing) social reality. The metaphors of the poems and the objects (torn shopping bags, reclining figure) reveal the substantive happenings, lying within and behind the everyday. Objects and texts are results of cooperation, but they are not illustrations of each other and raise the question of relationship between image and text.
Sári Ember treats the personal existence, remembrance and stories through visual heritage of everyday objects and traditional fine arts genres as still life and portrait. In the process of creation–interpretation she produces quasi-objects. The portrait is transformed into a mask, the anthropomorphic ceramic object’s characteristics are transposed onto materials differing in both quality and symbolism (marble, stone, textile). Sári Ember reaches personal stories and family heritage through objects which accompany humans’ life and finally survive them.
The poetry of Eszter Kállay belongs to the personal and self-revealing poetic manifestations. She allows the poetic self to reflect on itself through shifts of perspectives and viewpoints, providing an opportunity to understand herself in a larger context. In this simultaneously alienating and suggestive process the objective environment has a significant role, succeeding in condensing what is hard to say and formulate.
Lili Boros, art historian
Lili Boros, art historian