Archive 2022 KubaParis


Connect Four Ghosts, 2022, exhibition view (1), Foto/ Julia Gerke
Connect Four Ghosts, 2022, exhibition view (1), Foto/ Julia Gerke
Connect Four Ghosts, 2022, exhibition view (2), Foto/ Felix Brenner
Connect Four Ghosts, 2022, exhibition view (2), Foto/ Felix Brenner
Connect Four Ghosts, 2022, exhibition view (3), Foto/ Felix Brenner
Connect Four Ghosts, 2022, exhibition view (3), Foto/ Felix Brenner
Alicia Franzke, Speakers, 2021/22,  unfired clay, stainless steel, sound (natural frequency of the bodies), Foto/ Julia Gerke
Alicia Franzke, Speakers, 2021/22, unfired clay, stainless steel, sound (natural frequency of the bodies), Foto/ Julia Gerke
Julia Gerke, one sees, one is seen, 2022, MDF dimensions variable, Foto/ Julia Gerke
Julia Gerke, one sees, one is seen, 2022, MDF dimensions variable, Foto/ Julia Gerke
Lara Hampe, Sailing a boat (found plastic boat, 10 x 4 x 4 cm), Hugging a stone (lithography, 30 x 45 cm), 2022, Foto/ Julia Gerke
Lara Hampe, Sailing a boat (found plastic boat, 10 x 4 x 4 cm), Hugging a stone (lithography, 30 x 45 cm), 2022, Foto/ Julia Gerke
Lennard Bernd Becker, last non-human picture (beeswax, wire, screen, 14,5 x 17,5 cm), 2022, Foto/ Felix Brenner
Lennard Bernd Becker, last non-human picture (beeswax, wire, screen, 14,5 x 17,5 cm), 2022, Foto/ Felix Brenner
Alicia Franzke, Speakers, 2021/22,  unfired clay, stainless steel, sound (natural frequency of the bodies), Foto/ Felix Brenner
Alicia Franzke, Speakers, 2021/22, unfired clay, stainless steel, sound (natural frequency of the bodies), Foto/ Felix Brenner
Julia Gerke, one sees, one is seen, 2022, paper dimensions variable, Foto/ Felix Brenner
Julia Gerke, one sees, one is seen, 2022, paper dimensions variable, Foto/ Felix Brenner
Julia Gerke, one sees, one is seen, 2022, aluminium dimensions variable, Foto/ Julia Gerke
Julia Gerke, one sees, one is seen, 2022, aluminium dimensions variable, Foto/ Julia Gerke
Lara Hampe, Sailing a boat, 2022, Foto/ Felix Brenner
Lara Hampe, Sailing a boat, 2022, Foto/ Felix Brenner
Lara Hampe, Waiting for indentation, 2022, Foto/ Felix Brenner
Lara Hampe, Waiting for indentation, 2022, Foto/ Felix Brenner
Lara Hampe, Waiting for indentation (found stone, dimension variable, detail), 2022, Foto/ Julia Gerke
Lara Hampe, Waiting for indentation (found stone, dimension variable, detail), 2022, Foto/ Julia Gerke
Lennard Bernd Becker, risonanza (generale) (wax, pigment, wire, 16 x 15 cm), 2022, Foto/ Felix Brenner
Lennard Bernd Becker, risonanza (generale) (wax, pigment, wire, 16 x 15 cm), 2022, Foto/ Felix Brenner
Julia Gerke, one sees, one is seen, 2022, dimensions variable Foto/ Julia Gerke
Julia Gerke, one sees, one is seen, 2022, dimensions variable Foto/ Julia Gerke


Trufanowstraße 6, 04105 Leipzig


11.02 –20.03.2022


Felix Brenner, Julia Gerke


DE In „connect four ghosts“ finden sich verschiedene Gesten, vergangene Handlungen, various Gespenster ein: der Atelierraum 009, der bis zur Anmiete durch die Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig 2007 vermutlich als Büroraum einer Bildungseinrichtung diente, hat sich für die Ausstellung in einen Tagtraum verwandelt. Fünf Lamellenvorhänge haben sich vom Fenster in den Raum bewegt, sie strukturieren den Raum und eröffnen neue Blickachsen auf Vergessenes und scheinbar Unsichtbares. Als geschichtliche Überbleibsel und Restbestand administrativer Arbeit leiten sie hin zur Idee der Neuschichtung von Zeit und Raum. Hier wird nach einer ausgestreckten Hand gegriffen, dort anhand von Schallwellen eine Resonanz verzeichnet. Heute wird nach einer Zahnlücke getastet, gestern umarmte jemand einen Stein. Die Suche nach Heim-lichkeit ist eine Suche nach möglichen Berührungen (Geister aller Art willkommen). EN In "connect four ghosts" a variety of gestures, past actions, various ghosts can be found: For the exhibition, studio 009, which presumably served as the office space of an educational institution until it was rented by the Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig in 2007, has been transformed into a daydream. Five vertical blinds have wandered from the window into the room, structuring the space and opening up new lines of sight onto the forgotten and seemingly invisible. As historical remnants and relics of administrative work, they lead to the idea of re-layering time and space. Here an outstretched hand is reached, there a resonance of sound waves is perceived. Today a gap between teeth is felt, yesterday someone embraced a stone. The search for Heim-lichkeit (engl.: secrecy or homeliness) is a search for possible touches (ghosts of all kinds welcome). Text — Lara Hampe

Lara Hampe