Crave Cave

15.07 –22.07.2020Curator
Jeronim HorvatPhotography
Toby ( )Subheadline
"Crave Cave" is a solo exhibition by Jeronim Horvat in the Zuerich based off space Bild8005 running from 16. - 23.07.2020 it included a Text Collage by Mitchell Anderson and Musical Support by Dj Optimal Brain Damage documentation photographs by TobyText
Crave Cave
"Nervous systems passing by time, overwhelmed and numbed by self-imposed distractions. It seems now and then there are more moments of clarity. There is also love in a seemingly endless void, spirits amongst others, caring. Whilst fighting a never-ending urge, the inner craving to skip ahead through time (not too far), while at the same time somehow enjoying the state of mind. Becoming aware of the self, being alive only by accepting the inevitable truth, that death is the end to this reality. Witnesses of life, our souls, memories that once lived are then becoming myths, stories, traces of a being. Ambiguities, life is full them and somehow, I enjoy this. I ‘m happy to invite you to enter the „Crave Cave“ with me."
Jeronim Horvat