
24.04 –29.05.2021Curator
Jochen HeufelderPhotography
Mareike TochaSubheadline
Jan Kiefer, Astrid Klein, Meuser, David Ostrowski, Max RufText
architektura.mp4 from FUHRWERKSWAAGE + new talents on Vimeo.
architektura offers an unusual constellation with works by artists from two generations. With Astrid Klein and Meuser two well-known protagonists of the somewhat older generation and with David Ostrowski, Jan Kiefer and Max Ruf three younger ones around the age of 40. The very unusual presentation of the exhibited works and positions reveals a multi-layered and respectful coexistence in correspondence with the exhibition hall and its industrial-sacral character. Painting, sculpture, installation are the three defining pictorial genres. Jan Kiefer lives and works in Basel, Max Ruf lives in Berlin, Meuser in Karlsruhe. David Ostrowski lives and works in Cologne, Astrid Klein as well. We are particularly pleased to be able to present her work from 1998 Untitled (wie kommt die Zeit ins Hirn). Although this work has been shown at several exhibitions worldwide, it has never been shown in Cologne. In the Fuhrwerkswaage it can now be experienced in a special new constellation, The exhibition is accompanied by a catalogue published by Stefan Schuelke Fine Books, 60 pages, A4 format, with a text by Oliver Tepel.Oliver Tepel