Hit Me Baby One More Time

16.06 –04.07.2022Photography
Kerim ZapsuSubheadline
Viable presents Barış Çavuşoğlu's installation 'Hit Me Baby One More Time' hosted by Barın Han. Istanbul, TR.Text
Hit me baby one more time
Domi Matrix
show me how you want it to be
A click here and an Enter there
I’ll twist the algorithm in you
into the formula in me.
Tell me, baby, cause I need to know now
where our beaches will strand.
Another night
another flight meandered and
brought the forgotten image nearer.
Closer, closer comes hand to face
further, further feels obstacle from place
Oh baby, baby, how was I supposed to know?
About crying lobsters and wild Bugatti’s
Goldberg variations played by Joe Rogan
gothic ornaments in an IKEA manual
and wanderlusts challenged with tweezers.
How was I supposed to know that we
the era of juxtaposition
was thus as concrete as ever?
Something wasn’t right, yeah.
Lemme tell you bout that light
that night I touched the database
and gave it the juice and
all that came out was wonders and doubts.
Words blurted out onto the screen of reason
spoken in a Victorian tone.
Medusa’s hair fell out and I
ain’t got the comb to straighten the knots.
Oh baby, baby, how was I supposed to know
that meaning is generated
in a reoccurring trend.
And yet
give me a sign?
Eline Tsvetkova