Copenhagen. Red Light Green Light. Intimacy, Desire & Tension (In the Realm of the Senses)

Kunsthal CharlottenborgDate
09.06 –06.08.2022Curator
Charlotte SprogøePhotography
Jan SøndergaardSubheadline
Kunsthal Charlottenborg’s Copenhagen. Red Light Green Light, Intimacy Desire and Tension (In the Realm of the Senses) June 10th - August 7th 2022, is an exhibition created as a living form, that moves out from Kunsthal Charlottenborg and onto sites around Copenhagen with performances and installations by the artists Korakrit Arunanondchai, Alex Gvojic, Cecilia Bengolea, Geumhyung Jeong, Ylva Snöfrid and Alex Baczyński-Jenkins. Curated by Charlotte Sprogøe.Text
Kunsthal Charlottenborg presents Copenhagen. Red Light Green Light. Intimacy, Desire & Tension (In the Realm of the Senses). One exhibition in six venues spread out over Copenhagen. Curated by Charlotte Sprogøe.
June 11th – August 7th 2022.
Artists: Cally Spooner, Korakrit Arunanondchai, Alex Gvorij, Cecilia Bengolea, Geumhyung Jeong & Alex
“There’s two instructions I need you to follow:
When I say red light, I need you to stop.
When I say green light, I need you to go.”
– Duke Dumont lyrics to the club track
Red Light Green Light, 2019
The contemporary world is, some say, marked by a predominant feeling of stress or anxiety. At state of being that is simultaneously angst filled and driven by desire, controlled by a protocol for how to live and perform in our contemporaneity. The result is tension, a dramatic hold between two states – pressure and drive. The exhibition Copenhagen. Red Light Green Light (In the Realm of the Senses) takes off from a mixed state of tension, tenderness and lifeforce. The exhibition is shown at Kunsthal Charlottenborg and moves on to locations in the city of Copenhagen. Six international contemporary artists Korean Geumhyung Jeong,
Argentinian Cecilia Bengolea, Brittish Cally Spooner, Swedish Ylva Snöfrid,Thai Korakrit Arunanondchai in collaboration with American Alex Gvojic, and Polish Alex Baczyński-Jenkins have been invited by curator Charlotte Sprogøe to present installations, video and performances at six different locations in Copenhagen – portraying the mental state of the world we live in. The exhibition is formed as a living entity, taking shape at
various locations throughout Copenhagen, opening at different hours of the day, and different days of the months. Continuously occurring in new variations.
The artists in the exhibition evoke each their own form of a contemporary Ballet Méchanic. Each part of the exhibition presents a choreographed approach to art – a ritual, a dance, or a song, formed by the interplay between life force and death, or the machinic, thingness. The body language of post-capitalism, the state of affect marking contemporary life – and the interactions in our lives, formed by the gig economy, the service industry in post-industrial society, is the living backdrop for the exhibition. A living backdrop whose postindustrial
invisible protocols for life, community making, body movement and for love, evoke the aesthetic
form of the artwork, their energy and sensibility. The materiality of our times is met by the mythology that keeps us going – that animate something on the other side, behind the mirror, in the realm of the ghosts.
Live programme: Ylva Snöfrid will present a 14 days duration performance Cosmos and Vanitas in the Light
of Conscience, 2022 placed inside a 7 meter high painting installation presented in the Festival hall of Charlottenborg Palace.
Cally Spooner will present her performance On Stagnation (rehearsal), 2022. A two person dance in process on aerobics and contemporary bodies as a part of her Deadtime opera repertoire.
Alex Baczyński-Jenkins performance Unending love, or love dies, on repeat like it’s endless will open in a Copenhagen iteration commissioned for a former palais in Copenhagen.
Charlotte Sprogøe