Mayfly Keeper

Arcway Nightlands Connector Jennifee-see AlternateDate
07.07 –14.07.2020Curator
Bertil Osorio & Katrine BobekPhotography
Adrian DelafontaineSubheadline
Katrine Bobek & Bertil OsorioText
For the exhibition Mayfly Keeper, Katrine Bobek and Bertil Osorio work together for the first time, showing an array of recently gathered paintings and assemblages from a scenario of a strangely functional office landscape, where a clotted watercourse takes shape as a vascularity, carrying images towards a brain demented by stray images.
With an interest in painted matter, shift in narrations and meanderings in and on middle range industrial lawns and bushes, Osorio carefully let matter into the frame of the deschi al parte, a 16th century Italian maternity gift for the middle class mother who was forced to stay in bed for at least two weeks after childbirth out of health reasons. The small tableaus functions for Osorio as a sift of things that reason might not let into the daily scrutiny of functional matter, and works as chosen and fixated sections of ground negotiated through the haptics of the possible onlooker.
B. 1990, Funen Art Academy and Stäedelschule, 2013-2018.
Bobek gradually expands forms and bodies out of an idea of the animated as an internal endeavor. Layers of paint move before the eyes as slowly as they are painted, searching the point where material and color at hand mix and solidifies, not taking for granted the inherent component, physicality and bodily agency.
Impressions of the figure stop and wrench in a moment before the realization of the entities interacted with, and leaves a different setting and ambience.
B. 1990, currently awaiting the degree show at Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.
A stiff glance knifes the somewhat circular puddle from each side. Not diagonally. Just five shoulders lengths beside each other really:
See, here! I have found this and emptied my pocket in the evening sun.
I think some of it might be yours.
Yes this is mine! This is mine! Where did you find it?
It is from my pocket. It is not usually of the matter your kind wants, but it is from my pocket.
I really love it! - Can you bring it back to me?
I cannot. I am a wall that keeps the water.
Oh I see. I am a duck and a water lily. I will come your way.
I don’t like what you hold. It is demented and it makes my eyes bleed!
But you said it was yours? - Now it is yours to keep, and I want nothing more of it.
But I only wanted some of it! You promised it was only partly mine!
I promised nothing, and greed got you curious.
I will live with it then, and hold it in my eyes. It is okay.
Bertil Osorio