Archive 2022 KubaParis

PROTOZONE7: Zones of Kinship, Love & Playbour

Nils Amadeus Lange with Mario Espinoza and Flo Schlessmann, Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis (BWV 21), Performance, 2022
Nils Amadeus Lange with Mario Espinoza and Flo Schlessmann, Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis (BWV 21), Performance, 2022
Nils Amadeus Lange with Mario Espinoza and Flo Schlessmann, Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis (BWV 21), Performance, 2022
Nils Amadeus Lange with Mario Espinoza and Flo Schlessmann, Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis (BWV 21), Performance, 2022
Nils Amadeus Lange, Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis (BWV 21), The handmade individual pieces (capes*), 2022
Nils Amadeus Lange, Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis (BWV 21), The handmade individual pieces (capes*), 2022
Claudia Hill, Co-Weaving
Claudia Hill, Co-Weaving
Claudia Hill, Co-Weaving, 2
Claudia Hill, Co-Weaving, 2
Claudia Hill, Co-Weaving, 3
Claudia Hill, Co-Weaving, 3
Claudia Hill, Co-Weaving, 4
Claudia Hill, Co-Weaving, 4
Exhibition view with the works of aLifveForms (fed and cared for by JP Raether) & SABA (Silvia Amancei & Bogdan Armanu), Wish we were free
Exhibition view with the works of aLifveForms (fed and cared for by JP Raether) & SABA (Silvia Amancei & Bogdan Armanu), Wish we were free
Paloma Ayala, Melody Chua, Anne-Laure Franchette, Riikka Tauriainen und Kay Zhang, River Oracle (2022) & SABA, Wish we were free, 2022
Paloma Ayala, Melody Chua, Anne-Laure Franchette, Riikka Tauriainen und Kay Zhang, River Oracle (2022) & SABA, Wish we were free, 2022
Enad Marouf, Time of The Angel, video installation, 2022
Enad Marouf, Time of The Angel, video installation, 2022
Enad Marouf, Time of The Angel, video installation, 2022
Enad Marouf, Time of The Angel, video installation, 2022
Enad Marouf, Time of The Angel, video installation, 2022
Enad Marouf, Time of The Angel, video installation, 2022
SABA (Silvia Amancei & Bogdan Armanu), Wish we were free
SABA (Silvia Amancei & Bogdan Armanu), Wish we were free
Kiran Kumar, Six uneasy fragments (exactly) about the natural and spiritual
Kiran Kumar, Six uneasy fragments (exactly) about the natural and spiritual
Kiran Kumar, Workshop at Shedhalle
Kiran Kumar, Workshop at Shedhalle


Shedhalle Zürich


02.06 –06.08.2022


Lucie Tuma


Carla Schleiffer


If all of life is centered around work - how about work being a bit more like life, or like, living? with aLifveForms (fed and cared for by JP Raether), Claudia Hill, Kiran Kumār, Nils Amadeus Lange, Liquid Dependencies Theory, Enad Marouf, River Oracle, SABA


If all of life is centered around work - how about work being a bit more like life, or like, living? Protozone7 at Shedhalle Zürich is dedicated to the realm of non-work, creating zones for invisible processes that take place when we rest, laugh, love and non-work. The invited artists deal with the often painful yet still romanticized blurring of life and work. This zone hosts their specific and often slow practices, their ongoing engagements and meticulous care towards materials. with aLifveForms (fed and cared for by JP Raether), Claudia Hill, Kiran Kumār, Nils Amadeus Lange, Liquid Dependencies Theory, Enad Marouf, River Oracle, SABA curated by Lucie Tuma curatorial assistance Sophie Germanier, Ekin Özdemir