Archive 2021 KubaParis

Salty Skin

Cora Wöllenstein, It´s A Long Walk (to the Moon and Back),Sculpture, 2020, Velvet & filling material, 300x 50x 35 cm.
Cora Wöllenstein, It´s A Long Walk (to the Moon and Back),Sculpture, 2020, Velvet & filling material, 300x 50x 35 cm.
Cora Wöllenstein, Exhibition view 2021: (from left to right) It´s A Long Walk (to the Moon and Back),Sculpture, Meine Perle, Oil on canvas, Bubble Babe, Oil on canvas, Mit Perwoll Gewaschen, Sculpture.
Cora Wöllenstein, Exhibition view 2021: (from left to right) It´s A Long Walk (to the Moon and Back),Sculpture, Meine Perle, Oil on canvas, Bubble Babe, Oil on canvas, Mit Perwoll Gewaschen, Sculpture.
Cora Wöllenstein, Midnight Orgasm, 2020, Oil on canvas, 134x 134cm.
Cora Wöllenstein, Midnight Orgasm, 2020, Oil on canvas, 134x 134cm.
Cora Wöllenstein, The Obligatory Once a Week Shampooing, 2021, Oil on canvas, 200x 160 cm.
Cora Wöllenstein, The Obligatory Once a Week Shampooing, 2021, Oil on canvas, 200x 160 cm.
Cora Wöllenstein, Exhibitionview 2021:(from left to right), The Obligatory Once A Week Shampooing, Oil on canvas, Tränenkette, Oil on canvas, The Body Keeps The Score, Oil on canvas, It´s A Long Walk (to the Moon and Back), Sculpture, Mit Perwoll Gewaschen, Sculpture.
Cora Wöllenstein, Exhibitionview 2021:(from left to right), The Obligatory Once A Week Shampooing, Oil on canvas, Tränenkette, Oil on canvas, The Body Keeps The Score, Oil on canvas, It´s A Long Walk (to the Moon and Back), Sculpture, Mit Perwoll Gewaschen, Sculpture.
Cora Wöllenstein, Salty Skin, 2021,Sculpture, 40x 35x 400 cm.
Cora Wöllenstein, Salty Skin, 2021,Sculpture, 40x 35x 400 cm.
Cora Wöllenstein, Exhibitionview 2021: Daisy (Crusty Dreams on Mid-Summer Fields),2020, Oil on canvas, 118 x 118cm, behind: Fliegengitter, 2021, Embroidery on curtain, 2 Pieces á 465x 300 cm.
Cora Wöllenstein, Exhibitionview 2021: Daisy (Crusty Dreams on Mid-Summer Fields),2020, Oil on canvas, 118 x 118cm, behind: Fliegengitter, 2021, Embroidery on curtain, 2 Pieces á 465x 300 cm.
Cora Wöllenstein, Mit Perwoll Gewaschen, 2021, Embroidery and Sculpture, 75x 90x 65 cm.
Cora Wöllenstein, Mit Perwoll Gewaschen, 2021, Embroidery and Sculpture, 75x 90x 65 cm.
Cora Wöllenstein, Detail of Mit Perwoll Gewaschen, 2021, Embroidery and Sculpture,75x 90x 65 cm.
Cora Wöllenstein, Detail of Mit Perwoll Gewaschen, 2021, Embroidery and Sculpture,75x 90x 65 cm.
Cora Wöllenstein, Venus, Oil on canvas, 40x40 cm.
Cora Wöllenstein, Venus, Oil on canvas, 40x40 cm.


Projektraum 145


04.03 –13.03.2021


Ann-Charlotte Neumann


Cora Wöllenstein


Paintings, Installations & Sculpture by Cora Wöllenstein


Salty Skin Probably no one expects to have a golden strand of hair thrown down to climb up it when stuck in a broken elevator. Nor does one hope to find a gingerbread house on their next hike – and yet everyone lives with their own version of Fairy Tales. The works in the exhibition "Salty Skin" testify to those moments in which one hopes, despite doubt and desire for a knight in shining armor on a white noble ross. Cora Wöllenstein gives us tragic narratives and creatures that seem to be in full harmony with themselves despite roaming in between ulterior realities. Her paintings, sculptures, and installations are calling us into the In-between: follow the sounds of the sirens and dive in.

Ann-Charlotte Neumann