Innocent pranks. Technorococo

JART gallery, MoscowDate
12.01 –13.02.2021Curator
Sergey KhachaturovPhotography
Kristina MatveevaSubheadline
Vladimir Kartashov takes us to the labyrinths of the park in technorococo styleText
We are organizing a party. We have come up with a new style, TECHNOROCOCO. Our perception of reality is close to that of the 18th century, which was at the very beginning of modernization of modern times. Rococo is the style of the gallant era of the 18th century, the time of Louis XV and XVI. Then the civilization of frivolous technocracy, a fetish of mechanics, an apology for common sense was born. Rococo is a light-winged flight of ethereal arabesque lines. Not flesh, but air, graphics, patterns of imagination.
Fantastic modules of ornaments determined the capricious mood of the people of the 18th century. These rocaille ornaments are the same matrices of affects and states. Today, ornaments of network communication have entwined the world.
It has lost its density. Became a clean blueprint on an electronic plateau, a tablet. We can voluntarily call our time, with its curls of network patterns and the taken out core of meanings, TECHNOROCOCO.
The carnivals in the park of the gallant age and the psychedelic pixelated world have a lot in common. Both compensate for the dissipation of identity, the loss of a name. Both make up for the lack of joy, fantasy and color in everyday life. Both resist epidemics by incorporating their image into carnival masks and costumes. Vladimir Kartashov's paintings and objects will help to understand what hides behind labyrinths and grottoes, to set your eyes on the transformation of everyday life into an arabesque serpentine, to understand what is hidden there, in the perspective of the alleys.
Sergey Khachaturov