Johanna Seidel, Tube Girl, 18x24cm, Öl auf Leinwandpanel, 2022Theresa Tuffner, Orchid couple, 50x30cm, Blüten, gefundene Objekt, Epoxidharz, Sand, Pigment, 2022Theresa Rothe, Love Hole, 140 x 30 x 30cm, Fellstoff, viertkant Draht, Diffuser, 2019Josefine Schulz, Dont tell the boys, 190 x 210cm, Öl auf Leinwand, 2022Josefine Schulz, Dont tell the boys, 2022Theresa Tuffner, Orchid one, 160x40cm, Perlen, Slip, Epoxidharz, Orchideen, 2022 und Johanna Seidel, Butterlies, 95x80cm, Öl auf Leinwand, 2022Johanna Seidel, Butterlies, 95x80cm, Öl auf Leinwand, 2022Theresa Tuffner, Orchid one, 2022Josefine Schulz, Ginger & Rosa, 2022Josefine Schulz, Ginger & Rosa, 50 x 60cm, Öl auf Leinwand, 2022Theresa Rothe, Teenage Dream, 120 x 80 x 80cm, Plastik, Laminat Masse, Lack, Silikon, Haare, 2022Theresa Tuffner, Down to earth 1, 42x35x23cm, 2022Theresa Tuffner, Down to earth 2, 34x30x30cm, glasierte Keramik, 2022Theresa Tuffner, looking at the pond and asking who i am, 63x35x15cm, glasierte Keramik, 2022Johanna Seidel and Josefine SchulzTheresa Tuffner in front, in the back Theresa Rothe
„I hadn’t touched it for weeks. But today I sat down again and started writing: DEAR DIARY…“ And already you were immersed in the last days and weeks that were running through your mind. Whether it was a nice experience with a friend or a stupid argument with the parents, everything was taken apart in detail and written down. Or one dreamed of the things that seemed so unattainable. There was the secret crush in one of the higher classes or the great wish for a pet of one’s own. Youth, a time of extreme contradictions, melancholy, physical changes, depression and that indefinable lightness. Often one did things that were quite stupid, but at the same time necessary. Although one often did not understand oneself and the world, everything seemed possible somehow…
The multifaceted youth with its dreams and illusions is the theme of the four artists Theresa Rothe, Josefine Schulz, Johanna Seidel and Theresa Tuffner in the exhibition „DEAR DIARY“. Together they dedicate themselves to this special phase and deal with (personal) questions about identity, memories, love, friendships and the future. In addition, aspects and perspectives are opened up on how this time could perhaps be viewed with a certain distance. What can we learn from it and what should we definitely keep from it?