Archive 2020 KubaParis


alex besta, philippe mainz, recreation, 2020,clay, coconut fiber, potting soil, video, sound, 13:44 min,
alex besta, philippe mainz, recreation, 2020,clay, coconut fiber, potting soil, video, sound, 13:44 min,


theartape, karlsruhe


28.11 –04.11.2020


alex besta, philippe mainz, clemnes köhler


sebastian heck


A playful and flexible multi-complex system with ambiguous identities focusing on regeneration over reproduction. clay, coconut fiber, potting soil, video, sound, 13:44 min


The work consists of multiple objects animated by video and sound and placed in a narrative environment. Eight clay pillars mark individual stages of transformation from supportive structure into worm-like organism. The animation projects memory back into these ancient architectural elements and reminds them of their original polychromatic capability, breaking the scientific myth of their blank appearance. The objects seem like little tricksters that try to adapt to an old forgotten multi-complex root system. Screaming for regeneration, instead of striving for a series of reproduction. The magical, near-natural context refers to a transformative healing process, a long-awaited recovery. The work exists to a certain extent in their own temporal dimension, between exhaustion, awakening and transcendence.

alex besta, philippe mainz