Archive 2020 KubaParis

Home is Castle - Playing Jenga in Bed


Bistro 21 / Leipzig


09.02 –29.02.2020


Christian Bär


[...] The categorial THE is also a virus mechanism, locking you in THE virus universe. EITHER/OR is another virus formula. It is alway you OR the virus. EITHER/OR. This is in point offact the conflict formula which is seen to be archetypical virus mechanism. The proposed language will delete these virus mechanisms and make them impossible of formulation in the language. [...] [...] “He has loosed the fatal lightning of this terrible swift sword.“ His fatal lightning didn't cost as much in those days. Save a lot on the defence budget this way on back to flintlocks, matchlocks, swords, armour, lances, bows and arrows, spears, stone axes and clubs. Why stop there? Why not grow teeth and claws, poison fangs, stingers, spines, quills, beaks and suckers and stink glands and fight in out in the muck, hein? [...] William S. Burroughs - The Electronic Revolution