Magistra Artium

xhibit, ViennaCurator
Sarah FriponPhotography
Sarah FriponSubheadline
graduation show Sarah FriponText
The topics of my works are taken from everyday life and document my thoughts on what is happening around me. They are association chains that appear on canvas as composition. Source images for my topics I constantly collect with my phone – as a guest in other people´s houses, on city walks, in shops – I find them in old catalogs of my childhood or in form of stock photos and advertising layouts. Thus I compile an archive, which I use as a starting point for my paintings. In it are collected motives that have the potential to describe the here and now – evoke thoughts, imply answers or reflect a certain mood present in society. And there are others which are just funny, nostalgic or frivolous. Out of this mass of pictures I choose some, collage, modify and edit them. This way I contemplate about themes that help me to better understand my surrounding.