Project Info
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KUBAPARIS ATELIER presents artists and their ateliers from all over the globe. This time you will get a glimpse into the world of sculptor Leilei Wu.
Age: 25
Education: Sculpture, Brera Academy
Current location:Milan
A work of yours that you particularly like and why?
My latest work for the graduation show UC0901. Behind this work is a reflection on the speculative ecologies that can be generated by the encounter between different intelligences, bodies and technologies - human and not - in the context of posthuman affections and interactions that characterizes the contemporary scenario in which I find myself operating.
From which artist would you like to own a work?
Oliver Laric, everyone can ‘own’ his works from his threedscans website
Which art movement has inspired you the most so far?
Website: https://leileiwu.com/
Instagram: @elwll
Photography credit: @tautoism