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KUBAPARIS ATELIER presents artists and their ateliers from all over the globe. This time you will get a glimpse into the world of painter Vojtěch Kovařík.
Age: 29
Education: Faculty of Arts of the Ostrava University, drawing studio
Current location: Brno (CZ)
A work of yours that you particularly like and why?
I have a painting from each period that is essential to me. I will find out in time when the work matures, and I have the urge to come back to it. There are not many of them, but for example one of them is for example the painting of 'Helios (2020)'. I feel like I solved a lot in this painting and still now, after three years, I wouldn't change a thing about this painting, I think it's immortal.
From which artist would you like to own a work?
There would be a lot of them, but I sure would love to own a painting by El Greco. I think he is a very important painter who was ahead of his time, his work is incredibly powerful and timeless.
Which art movement has inspired you the most so far?
Reverbations of socialist art and the art of ancient Greece.
Website: www.vojtechkovarik.com
Instagram: @vojtech_kovarik
Photography credit: @matej_dolezel_matej