Archive 2021 KubaParis

Red Water




26.08 –27.08.2021


There were 6 billion people living on earth. Red water and food production was limited to only 15% of total population. Poisoning wouldn't cause red water or food shortages, but growth in population would eventually outpace growth in available red water and food and cause a red water crisis. To save humanity and the earth, every human would be killed. GARMENTS, SCRIPT, DOCUMENTATION Polyhedron, Ilya Smirnov TALENTS Sherxodjon Fayzullaev, Lada Ignateva, Maxim Kovalkov, Pawel Krasnoperov, Lera Levschankina, Kseena Mu, Roma Raduet, Nikolai Rumiantcev, Aram Sardaria, Vladimir Shkandin, Maria Sukhomlinova, Daria Tikhonova, Anton Tsinkevich, Alina Yankovskaya OFFICERS Ekaterina Sergeevna Chugunova, Nik Morozov HAIR Nik Morozov AUDIO Anna Cantabile

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