Verletzbare Subjekte

ZAK Center for Contemporary Art BerlinDate
17.01 –01.08.2020Curator
Peggy Buth, Ralf F. Hartmann, Friederike Kröbel, Jens-Ole ReyPhotography
Law of LifeSubheadline
Law of Life (Katarína Dubovská, Alexander Klaubert & Julia Lübbecke)Text
Law of Life” (LoL) is an artist* collective which is currently based in Berlin, Hamburg and Leipzig. Founded in 2018, the aim has been to create collective paths and structures for young artists to support each other. Therefore crosslinking and building sustainable networks through initiating a close dialogue between artists, curators and cultural workers is a crucial part of their practice. Their first project dealt with the topic of Resistance and was shown in three successive exhibitions. These took place from 2019 to 2020 at Vunu Gallery in Kosice (SK), Frappant Gallery in Hamburg and the Center for Contemporary Art in Berlin.LoL is interested in situations of instability and topics such as the question of visibility and perspectives, narratives of “othering” and therefore structures of gender and communication as well as the interplay of body and institution.Currently the collective consists of the following members: Katarína Dubovská, Julia Lübbecke, Rahel grote Lambers, Alexander Klaubert and Francis Kussatz.
Law of Life