Archive 2020 KubaParis



Lagos Mx


06.02 –30.03.2020


the air may have been more rarified then and the wind cooler, the sun had a different status, but nevertheless it shone as it does now, fierce and remote what mattered was to be prepared the heights beckoned and climbing was better than descending, gravity seemed to lessen its hold and it was easier to see a kind of connectedness, houses, dusty roads where people were moving and you could see that this place was not the only one, nor was this city nor this time, your heart was pounding and you thought in vain about love, about having choices, freedom or solace and you felt a foolish longing to meet someone and then you thought of the birds again, you'd always been in awe of them, the way they'd spread their wings at the last moment, to set sail in the sky Translation: Judith Wilkinson Miriam Van hee


Olga Cerkasova and Isabella Fürnkäs work interdisciplinary and with a variety of media such as performance, installation, drawing and video. Both artists thematically question the body and it’s cultural identity and fluid interconnectivity through their work. Olga Cerkasova creates paintings, sculptures and fantastical reliefs that reveal hidden and delicate desires in site-specific installations in the space. Isabella Fürnkäs plays with the intersections of the multiplicity of identities and reflects subversive notions of self-perception. Together they initiated a specific dialogue between their works while collaborating for the first time. The studio exhibition contains sculptural details made of plaster, sand and remastered ready mades that contextually engage with the oil paintings. The paintings blur the boundaries between painting and sculpture. The hanging cut-outs made of jute mark a fluidity and fragility which can also be observed in the small sized drawings. The artists worked site specifically and also included materials found through in their cultural research while being in Mexico City.