Taissa Fromme and Pauline Schey

Acquisitions of Loving Grace

Project Info

  • 💙 Chess Club
  • 💚 Amanda Weimer
  • 🖤 Taissa Fromme and Pauline Schey

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Pauline Schey, mingled not attending, 2022
Pauline Schey, mingled not attending, 2022
Summer Show 22
Taissa Fromme, bikini bag, 2022, 40 x 55 cm, print on fabric, satin, thread
Taissa Fromme, bikini bag, 2022, 40 x 55 cm, print on fabric, satin, thread
Pauline Schey, stopped the swap step, 2022
Pauline Schey, stopped the swap step, 2022
Pauline Schey, stopped the swap step, 2022 detail
Pauline Schey, stopped the swap step, 2022 detail
Pauline Schey, stopped the swap step, 2022 detail
Pauline Schey, stopped the swap step, 2022 detail
Taissa Fromme, four reasons, 2022, 105 x 90 x 3 cm, polymerplaster, graphite, glass fibre, styrofoam, wood
Taissa Fromme, four reasons, 2022, 105 x 90 x 3 cm, polymerplaster, graphite, glass fibre, styrofoam, wood
Taissa Fromme, shoe bag, 2022, 40 x 55 cm, print on fabric, cotton, thread
Taissa Fromme, shoe bag, 2022, 40 x 55 cm, print on fabric, cotton, thread
Summer show 22  Booklet  Acquisitions of Loving Grace   Collected Texts and Moods by Amanda Weimer
Summer show 22 Booklet Acquisitions of Loving Grace Collected Texts and Moods by Amanda Weimer
Pauline Schey, stopped the swap step, 2022, detail
Pauline Schey, stopped the swap step, 2022, detail
Pauline Schey, stopped the swap step, 2022, detail
Pauline Schey, stopped the swap step, 2022, detail
Excerpt from the Booklet; Samuel Haitz .Versuch über die Pubertät (Essay on Puberty), 2020 (p. 124-139).pdf
Excerpt from the Booklet; Samuel Haitz .Versuch über die Pubertät (Essay on Puberty), 2020 (p. 124-139).pdf
Excerpt from the Booklet
Excerpt from the Booklet
Excerpt from the Booklet, Pauline Schey
Excerpt from the Booklet, Pauline Schey
Excerpt from the Booklet, Eva Noeske
Excerpt from the Booklet, Eva Noeske
Excerpt from the Booklet, Johanna Owen
Excerpt from the Booklet, Johanna Owen
For the second exhibition within the exhibition project "Chess Club" the artists Pauline Schey and Taissa Fromme were invited to work together on a show. In the context of the exhibition Acquisitions of Loving Grace a booklet with contributions of artists and collected moods on the topic Summer22sadness/girlblogging/femcel/heartbreak will be published as a contemporary testimony of this micro-cosmos.