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- 💙 Spoiler.Zone Aktionsraum
- 💚 Sophia Scherer, Katharina Wendler
- 🖤 Groupshow
- 💜 Sophia Scherer, Katharina Wendler
- 💛 Spoiler.Zone
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OFFFENCE installation view, photo: Spoiler.Zone

Roman Liška, Whitewashed Painting, 2022, photo: Spoiler.Zone

OFFFENCE installation view, photo: Spoiler.Zone

Egle Ruibyte, Yawning Void (Detail), 2022, photo: Spoiler.Zone

Egle Ruibyte, Yawning Void, 2022, photo: Spoiler.Zone

Jakob Francisco, flaw and border, 2018, photo: Spoiler.Zone

OFFFENCE installation view, photo: Spoiler.Zone

Jakob Francisco, do it wobble to the flo? (Detail), 2018, photo: Spoiler.Zone

Roman Liška, Kein schöner Land (deutschness), 2022, photo: Spoiler.Zone

Jakob Francisco, of a feather (scene 5), 2019, photo: Spoiler.Zone

OFFFENCE installation view, photo: Spoiler.Zone

Eduardo José Rubio Parra, Baby come back! Tú sabes que te necesito!, 2021, photo: Spoiler.Zone

Eduardo José Rubio Parra, The Chopped Off Head Magazine, 2022, photo: Spoiler.Zone

OFFFENCE installation view, photo: Spoiler.Zone

Sara Kramer, The Accumulation of Transparency (Detail), 2022, photo: Spoiler.Zone

Julia Gryboś & Barbora Zentková, One Knot After Another, 2020, photo: Spoiler.Zone

OFFFENCE installation view, photo: Spoiler.Zone

Roman Liška, endless frontier, 2021, photo: Spoiler.Zone

Roman Liška, hot peace / heisser Frieden, 2021, photo: Spoiler.Zone
Jakob Francisco, Julia Grybos & Barbora Zentková, Eduardo José Rubio Parra, Sara Kramer, Roman Liška, Eglė Ruibytė
The exhibition OFFFENCE is dedicated to the field of tension between public and private spaces, in particular the delimited or limiting states that are found in between. The title forms a fusion of the terms 'fence', 'offense', the attack, transgression or crossing of boundaries, and 'off', an exclusion or distancing from the current state.
The fence is a set, spatial limitation, a clear boundary that creates a separation between an inside and an outside. It marks territorial property, symbolizes security and order, and is a structure (of power) in political and social contexts. The fence is an almost perfidious border, because one can see through it; the other, inaccessible side remains visible and within reach. In this permeability, however, there is also a potential: the fence can be read as a porous membrane, as a quasi-flexible structure that can become a loophole in the system.
The artists Jakob Francisco, Julia Gryboś & Barbora Zentková, Sara Kramer, Roman Liška, Eduardo José Rubio Parra and Eglė Ruibytė address the various aspects of this theme in their works and deal with the materiality of permeable borders, with openness versus closedness and questions around one's own belonging and orientation in the face of vast global chaos and insecurities.
curated by Sophia Scherer & Katharina Wendler
part of Project Space Festival Berlin 2022
Sophia Scherer, Katharina Wendler