Matteo Nasini

A Distant Chime

Project Info

  • 💙 Clima, Milan
  • đŸ–€ Matteo Nasini
  • 💜 Clima
  • 💛 Marco Davolio

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Matteo Nasini, A Distant Chime, 2023 Installation view at Clima, Milan
Matteo Nasini, A Distant Chime, 2023 Installation view at Clima, Milan
solo preesentation by Matteo Nasini
Matteo Nasini, A Distant Chime, 2023  Iron, steel. PVC, wood, PLC, 2 Glocken spiel, 6 tuning bell, triangle, cymbals  Ambiental dimensions
Matteo Nasini, A Distant Chime, 2023 Iron, steel. PVC, wood, PLC, 2 Glocken spiel, 6 tuning bell, triangle, cymbals Ambiental dimensions
Matteo Nasini, A Distant Chime, 2023 Installation view at Clima, Milan
Matteo Nasini, A Distant Chime, 2023 Installation view at Clima, Milan
Matteo Nasini, A Distant Chime, 2023 (Detail)
Matteo Nasini, A Distant Chime, 2023 (Detail)
Matteo Nasini, A Distant Chime, 2023 (Detail)
Matteo Nasini, A Distant Chime, 2023 (Detail)
Matteo Nasini, A Distant Chime, 2023 (Detail)
Matteo Nasini, A Distant Chime, 2023 (Detail)
Matteo Nasini, A Distant Chime, 2023 (Detail)
Matteo Nasini, A Distant Chime, 2023 (Detail)
Matteo Nasini, A Distant Chime, 2023 (Detail)
Matteo Nasini, A Distant Chime, 2023 (Detail)
A Distant Chime is the new sound installation by Matteo Nasini part of the wider project Welcome Wanderer. Welcome Wanderer is an installation capable of translating in automatic musical composition the motion of the billions of stars of the Milky Way in transit above it; the harmonies generated by the celestial bodies are rendered through percussion instruments. The sound sculpture is composed of three separate automated modules made of clusters of different percussion instruments, responding to electrical impulses by generating musical notes corresponding to the characteristics of the stars currently crossing the sky above us. The artwork, through the use of mechanics and automations, becomes capable of perpetually performing the approximately 220 million-year score generated by the stellar transit corresponding to one revolution of the Milky Way.