Group Show
Group Show at HOA Gallery, São Paulo, Brazil
Project Info
- 💙 HOA Gallery
- 💚 Guilherme Teixeira and Nathalia Grilo
- 🖤 Group Show
- 💜 HOA Gallery
- 💛 Wallace Domingues
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Exhibition view

Exhibition view

Almeida da Silva. Portal, vórtice ou janela 32, 2023. White glue and light color pigment. 103 x 181 cm.

Samuel Alves de Jesus. Colisão, 2023. Digital print and acrylic paint on canvas. 3 x 3 m.

Renan Aguena. Vendaval de Axé, 2022. Collage. 180 x 180 cm.

Mayara Velozo. Série Co-construções de um Imaginário Possível de Sentir, 2020–2021. Upholstery fabric sewing. 2 x 2,5 m.

Amorí. Untitled, 2023. Iron, wood and latex. 100 x 22 x 20 cm.

Wisrah Villefort. Given, 2022. A set of objects given to the artist by curators and other artists. Materials and dimensions variable.

Lais Amaral. Untitled (Bença em cima de bença series), 2023. Acrylic on canvas. 160 x 140 cm.

Brendy Xavier. malOakleyra, 2022. Oakley Rest flip flop and tênis Oakley Turlock Low attached by nails. 11 x 34 x 11 cm.

Caroline Ricca Lee. Constelação de um Complexo II, 2021. Mixed media/assemblage. 150 x 50 x 40 cm.

Mariana Rocha. Sem título, 2022. Acrylic paint, oil stick and oil pastel on canvas. 164 x 107 cm.

Bertô. Graça/Grace, 2022. Oil on linen. 110 x 85 cm.

Bruna Kury. MUERTE A LA POLICIA DEL GENERO!, 2022. Print on canvas. 1,80 x 2,57 m.

Kelton Campos Fausto. SÉRIE QUANDO TUDO TERRA ERA, 2022. Mixed media on canvas. 150 x 165 cm.

Manauara Clandestina. Sem título, Balaclava series, 2022. Fabric cap with appliqués and concrete base. 156 x 40 x 40 cm.

Micaela Cyrino. ontem Anastacia, 2019 Litograph on linen and embroidery 50 x 40 cm

RAINHA F. ENLACE DE SOLITUDE, 2019. Photo performance; digital photography, printing on cotton paper with mineral pigment. 70 x 47 cm.

Rafaela Kennedy. Dandara, 2019. Digital photography, printing on cotton paper with mineral pigment. 10 x 105 cm.

Samara Paiva. O peso de tudo, 2022. Óleo sobre tela. 60 x 60 cm.
Artists in the show: Alberto Pitta, Almeida da Silva, Amorí, Aun Helden, Babi Mello, Bertô, biarritzzz, Boni Gattai (estilara), Brendy Xavier, Bruna Kury, Caio Rosa, Caroline Ricca Lee, Crislaine Tavares, Gabriel Massan, George Teles, Igi Lola Ayedun, Irmãs de Pau, José Adário (Zé Diabo), Kelton Campos Fausto, Kulumym-Açu, Laís Amaral, Manauara Clandestina, Mariana Rocha, Marlon Amaro, Mayara Velozo, Mestre Didi, Micaela Cyrino, M0XC4, Rainha F., Rafaela Kennedy, Renan Aguena, Samara Paiva, Samuel Alves de Jesus, Sidney Amaral, Wisrah Villefort, Zumví Arquivo Fotográfico
Heading into its third year of activities, HOA Galeria inaugurates a new exhibition space in the center of São Paulo.
Founded in 2020 by the artist Igi Lola Ayedun, HOA - the first black-ownedgallery in the history of Brazilian art, opens to the public the doors of its new exhibition space in the central region of São Paulo in February. Located between the neighborhoods of Santa Cecília and Barra Funda,
with 940m2 divided between two floors, the new gallery headquarters intends to host several contemporary art programs such as exhibitions, performances, meetings, courses, seminars, publication launches and cultural activities focused on the production of artists from the global majority and/or part of LGBTQIA+ communities through a decolonial perspective.
“Since the foundation of HOA, I feel that we are building a new step each year with a lot of international visibility, but being able to consolidate a structure in Brazil capable of relating directly with the public in an independent way is one of our greatest victories in this path.” , says Igi Lola Ayedun — owner/CEO of the organization — when asked about the importance of this inauguration for her home country. Over these three years HOA has built commercial and institutional support around the world, accounting for exhibitions, projects and partnerships in the United Kingdom, France, Belgium, New York, Los Angeles, Mexico City, Marrakech, Madrid and Milan.
Space activations will happen monthly, presenting the works of represented artists, residents and guests with a focus on intercontinental connections. “It is very important to build cultural dialogues with artists from Africa, Asia and other Latin American countries so that we can transform these exhibitions into something accessible to young people from all over São Paulo's outskirts. Then we can not only inspire, but also participate in the construction of the critical thinking of the next generations of young people who identify with these narratives.”, is what Lucas Andrade — actor, filmmaker and artistic director of HOA advocates.
For the opening month, with the support of Soho House Global and Beck’s, the gallery presents its program with the group exhibition “From flying to breathing nostrils, wide arms, messages to the wind.” curated by Guilherme Teixeira and Nathalia Grilo, whose title revisits the first HOA presentation that took place at SP-Arte Online during the COVID-19 pandemic. The exhibition is dedicated to the manifesto of a decolonial perspective in contemporary art that permeates identity to discuss possibilities of existence, building a look at radical culture in the local scenario, expanding territories that cross its subjectivities. Bringing together works by artists who weave experiences through abstract and figurative works that explore ancestry, present and future through the works of 30 artists from the southeast, midwest, north and northeast regions of Brazil. Less than a hundred meters from Minhocão, the center of São Paulo gains yet another center of cultural initiatives for a more honest, more inclusive and diverse future.
HOA Gallery