Nicola Genovese

1000 regrets

Project Info

  • 💙 Lokal-int
  • 💚 -
  • 🖤 Nicola Genovese
  • 💜 Nicola Genovese
  • 💛 Thalles Piaget

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1000 regrets (2023) textile, metal, resin
1000 regrets (2023) textile, metal, resin
1000 regrets (2023) textile, metal, resin
1000 regrets (2023) textile, metal, resin
1000 regrets (2023) textile, metal, resin
1000 regrets (2023) textile, metal, resin
1000 regrets (2023) textile, metal, resin
1000 regrets (2023) textile, metal, resin
1000 regrets (2023) textile, metal, resin
1000 regrets (2023) textile, metal, resin
I regret not following the cat that led me into the forest, where I saw strange, glowing creatures dancing in a circle. I regret not listening to the whispering voices that told me to dig deeper in the abandoned well in my backyard. I regret that I didn't accept Mark's offer, who promised me a key to unlock a door. I regret not staying in the dream longer, where I met my deceased loved ones, and they showed me the secrets of the afterlife. I regret that I didn't follow the rules. I regret that I didn't keep the red balloon that was tied to my wrist. I regret not eating the rotten fruit the older woman at the farmer's market offered me. I regret not answering the phone call from the empty house next door. I regret that I didn't jump off the bridge. I regret not listening to the ghostly voices that whispered to me. I regret that I didn't open the box that was left on my doorstep. I regret that I didn't attend the circus around the corner. I regret not following the strange music that led me to the abandoned carnival. I regret that I didn't explore the forbidden library that was hidden behind the secret door in my grandmother's attic. I regret that I didn't write one word during the lockdown. I regret not taking the elevator to the top floor of the abandoned skyscraper, where I could have seen the entire city from above. I regret that I didn't catch that black butterfly. I regret not confronting the man in the bowler hat who followed me through the crowded streets, asking for my name and deepest secrets. I regret not trying that new drug that promised to unlock the universe's secrets. I regret that I didn't follow the trail of breadcrumbs that led me deep into the forest, where I met a talking fox who showed me the true nature of reality. I regret that I didn't say hello after I left. I regret that I didn't heed the warnings of the ghostly apparition that haunted my dreams. I regret that I didn't enter the mysterious door in the middle of my bedroom one night, leading to an alternate dimension where everything was upside down and backwards. I regret that I didn't embrace the chaos of the carnival that rolled into town, with its strange games and twisted attractions that defied all logic and reason. I regret that I didn't accept the offer from the enigmatic stranger who promised to show me the meaning of life, but at a terrible price. I regret not telling you I was wrong when I pointed out your inadequacy. I regret that I didn't beat that wall. I regret that I didn't seize the opportunity to take control of my life and break free from the constraints of society and convention. I regret that I didn't fully embrace the freedom of making choices. I regret that I didn't start making art earlier. I regret that I didn't confront the truth of my existence and the inevitability of my mortality. I regret that I didn't seek out authentic experiences that would have allowed me to connect with my humanity and the essential nature of the universe. I regret that I didn't accept the burden of responsibility for my actions and their impact on others, instead living in a state of moral ambiguity and indifference. I regret that I didn't confront the absurdity of the world and the inherent meaninglessness of existence. I regret that I didn't accept the truth of my nothingness and the fleeting nature of my consciousness. I regret that I didn't confront the dark side of my personality. I regret not recognizing the archetypal patterns and symbols that govern my life. I regret that I didn't embrace the transformative potential of my psyche. I regret that I didn't integrate the various aspects of my personality into a cohesive whole. I regret that I didn't seek meaningful experiences that would allow me to connect with my spirituality and transcend the limitations of the material world. I regret that I didn't recognize the interconnectedness of all things and the collective unconscious that binds us together. I regret not becoming a Buddhist. I regret not tightening the knot. I regret not wearing a hat made of jellybeans on the day of your birthday. I regret that I didn't write my grocery list in the form of a riddle. I regret not closing my eyes last Friday night. I regret not painting my car in rainbow colours and riding it like a unicorn. I regret not dressing up as a giant dick and walking through the city streets. I regret not speaking in rhyming couplets for an entire day. I regret not creating a sculpture of my face out of mashed potatoes. I regret not fully exploring the depths of my depravity. I regret that I didn't fail enough. I regret I change my underwear after fucking with you I regret that I didn't dare to pursue my deepest desires. I regret not acknowledging existence's absurdity and embracing life's fleeting pleasures. I regret not living my life more authentically and honestly. I regret that I didn't take that train. I regret not recognizing the absurdity of existence and instead clinging I regret not realizing the illusion of order and meaning. I regret that I didn't eat that cheesecake. I regret not suggesting the right thing to the right person. I regret not seeing the beauty in chaos and destruction. I regret not understanding the complexity and ambiguity of human nature. I regret not taking more risks and living with more remarkable courage and audacity. I regret I made no effort to leave you. I regret not taking the death of your favourite bird seriously. I regret not cleaning the toilet after vomiting the whole night. I regret that I didn't unlock the phone to call your ex-boyfriend. I regret not saying a word after you slapped my face. I regret that I didn't dare to run after that car. I regret not calling my mother before she got seriously sick. I regret that I didn't hug her enough. I regret I didn't love my body enough. I regret not yelling at the priest when he told me masturbation was evil. I regret not starting any physical fight. I regret that I increased the level of anxiety of many friends. I regret not having the courage to confront my fear of clouds. I regret not listening to the advice of my imaginary friend. I regret not embracing the fear of death. I regret not discovering the secret of happiness. I regret not being able to taste my skin colour. I regret not being able to hear the sound of my thoughts. I regret not being able to touch the intangible. I regret not having a third arm. I regret not being able to communicate telepathically with animals. I regret not understanding the true meaning of the universe. I regret not enjoying my nightmares. I regret not being able to see the world from the perspective of a tree. I regret not discovering the secret of kombucha. I regret not being able to communicate with aliens from other galaxies. I regret not understanding the rituals of my best friend. I regret not being able to feel the sun's warmth on a cold winter's day. I regret not writing 1000 regrets.
Nicola Genovese