Hanna Rochereau

Riding the Bliss

Project Info

  • 💙 La Traverse
  • 💚 Catherine Bastide
  • 🖤 Hanna Rochereau
  • 💜 Sherian Mohammed Forster
  • 💛 Jean Christophe Lett

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RUBY 1. text def alternating_characters?(SJMF) 2. type = [/[aeiou]/, /[^aeiou]/].cycle 3. 4. if s.start_with?(/[^aeiou]/) 5. type.next 6. end 7. 8. Okay(I exclaim internally) 9. [...]We speak in code* [...] 10. Ah Hanna, Dear Hanna [/[aeiou]/,/[^aeiou]/] Enough with the prologue. [I'm savoring... Indeed, it is at this very moment that the performance I have been waiting for is taking place. And at the same time, it is only the key-ring to another performance. An address scratched in an envelope slipped next to wrapped boxes, canvases where the veiled sensation of glass, tissue paper and blister, nylon and velvet... 11. [insert anY[?!?/[aeiou]/or/[^aeiou]/?!?] intro] EXCHANGE Indeed, I make this moment last that you offered me and that I offer you in return. And I realize that my adversary becomes the time, the space, the conciseness to express what must be, to serve respectively your work, to put of mine, to carry us a little. OBJECTS The train of ribbons tied in royal blue on the pedestal soars like the legs of the mannequin. The promise is long term, vertical horizon. Another cardinal point, a Tartan is to be guessed, equally indescribable, unique, as it should be. I like to think that Hanna has a bit of impressionism, it is the successive prints of the fabrics, the magazine and the retina that deliver themselves, entrusted shares of resurrected objects, memory that rambles in soft images but in intact emotions, pure and sincere. PRESENTATION And then, in fact, introductions, addresses, syntaxes, codes, quotes, popular references, gifs, platforms: it's all packaging. So I savor the candy, the shiny crackle that precedes it, the cat-and-mouse game, the endless preparation and trash talk for a 2-minute fight, the game of entertainment, the gift and its concealment, content, container, the lover and the beloved, a little bit puffed, a little bit eaten, shimmering, pampered. And if it were only that? Long circuits of shorter and shorter, lips, saliva, reflexes, rewards. 12. I can start raw, as I speak, I can make a popular quote, this one, that one 13. nah, come on, I impress them with beautiful sentences. 14. nah, I'll put a real pressure on them, I'll start in CODE. Bluffing? Come on, for real? Yes I learned a little code for the show. 15. no really, first sentence of my one man show: "doesn't the code freak us all out the most??? xD" [start:explosion of laughter in the audience] DEFINITION OF RUBY I'm looking for known computer codes, a link to luxury, which I hope is beautiful, visually convoluted [que nenni], but there's this one called RUBY [gemstone, jewels, BVLGARI] also like the beautiful one in Clueless but in Sex Education with the teenage version of Scorcese's Hugo Cabret. I rewind, [these lines of code are a bit of a snippet from the search tabs], how many tab grams for you? And in one of these tabs, I find these lines of code that talk about vowels and consonants, this chain of "proteins", slightly modified by me - a bit of molecular cooking - that appears at the beginning of the text, a piece of Ruby. Yes, because online they say that RUBY is complex, but RUBY "is a beautiful programming language", RUBY "is very object oriented" and "multi paradigm" [>start:explosion], perfect Who understands what? 16. I just do an intro, I never start.[start:boring/zzZZzZzz] 17. … 18. … 19. … 20. … CD/CASSETTE PLAYER No, already <stop> the intro, the 1st chapter was my first text for Hanna, already <open> <close> <<fast rewind<< <replay> periphery, poor, airport, globalization, object morality, Baudrillard, leaders, followers, Ye, Keef, Air Max, Tn, Ecal, the suburbs influence Paris, Paris influences the world,[...]<stop><open> 21. … 22. … <close> >>fast forward>> present: 23. *“- je t’aime… - Moi non plus…” MARKETING POSITIONING At what point am I Sherian, at what point do I speak normal? What is my packaging, what are my masks, my brand, my signature, my intro, my development, my conclusion? - What about you Hanna? THANK YOU HANNA What I like and what I may have understood is that when Hanna asks me something that I think, because it's her way of asking me maybe - maybe she learned that without realizing it in the hushed tone with which one learns to think about a window display, in the profession of visual merchandiser, not window dresser or decorator, we are not on M6, concentrate] well, when Hanna asks me these things that seem harmless to me, I suddenly find myself again in the precipice of what we are in fact in front of these objects and what they say about us,[. ...] logos, stories, extracts from our childhoods. NO DUDES TODAY I could frown and quote guys "whose artistic expression confronts the world of consumption" [start:boring/zzZZZ]. Then one day, [This object came into my life]"...and my face was transformed", Perle de Lait TRACAS OF CONSCIOUSNESS I think I'll only manage to peel off the beans, hardly to evoke the fragrance of the discussion here. I admit defeat, I tried last time, but I will not be able to make my point explicit here. Or can I? IN SHOPPING AS IN ROMANCE Yes, isn't it all the more honest and appropriate? How many lovers have told you that tonight, they would only be the packaging? How many times could we have been even if, despite our desire for absolute passion, we would have rightly appreciated the superficial experience rather than wanting to rush - here I'm talking about chemistry - towards this sought-after solid substance. Why mutually want so much to affirm a tangibility to our being and to aspire at all costs -I speak economy- the substance of the whole other -[I speak philosophy, physics, law, religion repeat in cycle]. >>fast forward>> Recontextualization: Hanna paints. At this point in our post-contemporaneity [now I speak Fine Arts] could we not assume the same passionate relationship to the works...trick question, I speak of objects "outside" of Art. <<fast rewind<< *That title came from her.* I had banally said "run away from me...I follow you, follow me...I run away from you. » WHAT.A.TIME.TO.BE.ALIVE It is the fight with or without gloves, in the 1st, 2nd degree, the catch me if you can of HIGH vs low. The [rich] and the [poor], the [center] and the [outside], looking and looking at, fight with and without mercy, politeness wavers, as does sincerity. But here, no matter the state of consciousness that composes, its moment of grace is played out here, the tartans and boxes, the ribbons and bubble wrap burst. There are benevolent midnight demons there, I think. Feline eyes sway, between carac and amethyst, ready to cast the spell of a desire finally conquered, sleep found. Presents purr on a fluffy cushion, like this cloud, this mustached moon of Miro that Hanna showed me. Even these rare possessions, pairing all ground ready to shine sometimes at the party, at the rave, at the camping, seems to rest, the set piece is naked. FROM OUTSIDE Finally there is the humility with which Hanna has painted these last years and how in the sun and the azure wind, her reminiscence of Paris and the metropolitan world is punctual, precise, textured, this nostalgia of a discovery, the honesty of a fascination that is so much mine for Geneva, that of a suburbanite/countryman, fox, from the outskirts of the big city that shines with its thousand jewels. We miss it because everyone, in order to survive the endless influence, prides themselves on being exempt from it. How many things do they claim to never succumb to? Art and convenience, chicken, egg? Flight forward. This adolescent entry in the Holy of the Saints, temple of the porosity of the values, contemplation of the dreams, consumption of the glance, consumption of our souls perhaps, who can judge? We others on the outskirts, on the edge, we maint.e.x.s and maint.e.x.s outsider.e.x.s, let's say in this circumstance of the city and the shop windows, we others will always have the honesty of this shock, the fascination of the fireflies for the light, Edison vs Tesla all over again, full revol.indus, clope, lighter and Flamel, the gold, the philosopher stone. Who will stay in the country? Will the exodus be the opposite? Who, what, Quissac then? Ah Arles? Pharmaceutics? Are we a species of insects that will finally return to the earth, in peace, humbly, from all those sparks, fires, light, clicks, impulses and explosions that have been wearing us down? But there will always be new fireflies, each to his own this here lifestyle. Let's be honest, we are matrixed, ctrl+C, mtn cmnt o:n F1? Yes, the question mark resides alone in the firmament of this peaceful night, window on a mystery.
Sherian Mohammed Forster