Alfons Knogl @alfonsknogl @creme_de_la_deutz
Crème de la Deutz
Project Info
- 💙 Raum Matjoe, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Temporary Gallery Cologne @raum_matjoe @kunsthalleduesseldorf @temporary_gallery
- 💚 Holger Otten #holgerotten
- 🖤 Alfons Knogl @alfonsknogl @creme_de_la_deutz
- 💜 Daniel Ansorge @magazinecologne
- 💛 Jan Hoeft @janhoeft_ Abija de Nève @abijadeneve
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exhibition view

exhibition view

Alfons Knogl, filtered illusion (CDLD I), 25 x 12 x 19 cm, 2023

Alfons Knogl, fades and condition (CDLD V), 95 x 143 x 61 cm, 2023

Alfons Knogl, fades and condition (CDLD V), 95 x 143 x 61 cm, 2023

Alfons Knogl, fades and condition (CDLD V), 95 x 143 x 61 cm, 2023, Detail

exhibition view

exhibition view with performer

Video contribution by Jan Hoeft, Copies, 5:54 min., loop

Video contribution by Jan Hoeft, Copies, 5:54 min., loop

exhibition view with performer

exhibition view with performer

Alfons Knogl, filtered illusion (CDLD I), 25 x 12 x 19 cm, 2023

Alfons Knogl, filtered illusion (CDLD I), 25 x 12 x 19 cm, 2023, Detail

Alfons Knogl, fades and condition (CDLD V), 95 x 143 x 61 cm, 2023, Detail

Alfons Knogl, fades and condition (CDLD V), 95 x 143 x 61 cm, 2023, Detail

Alfons Knogl, pre-sink (CDLD II), 54 x 23 x 59 cm, 2023, Detail

Alfons Knogl, pre-sink (CDLD II), 54 x 23 x 59 cm, 2023

exhibition view

Crème de la Deutz, 12" record, white vinyl with special edition cast, polyester, pigment
This is the birth of Crème de la Deutz
Crème de la Deutz are a desire freeway and palm lodging.
Mousy trees yearning for shell stars.
Crème de la Deutz is sculptural emotion in music and the physical equivalent of ancient future objects in concrete material.
The exhibition is accompanied by two live performances at Kunsthalle Düsseldorf on August 08 and at Temporary Gallery Cologne on August 31 on the occasion of Düsseldorf Cologne Open Gallery Weekend.
The debut album Crème de la Deutz is released on MAGAZINE via KOMPAKT Records as a 12" white vinyl edition with a special 3D cover art work, limited to 100 copies.
Alfons Knogl works in the field of sculpture and sound. He phrases materiality and objecthood – filtered from a globalised circle of contemporary production. He studied visual arts at Hochschule für Bildende Künste Dresden and post graduated at Kunsthochschule für Medien Cologne. He has shown work e.g. at Kölnischer Kunstverein, Galerie Klemm´s Berlin, Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westphalen Düsseldorf, Arp Museum Rolandseck, DREI Cologne.
Holger Otten studied art history, German philology, and history in Cologne and Basel. Currently he is curator at the Ludwig Forum Aachen.
Daniel Ansorge @magazinecologne