niko abramidis &ne | helga dóróthea fannon | nicolás lamas | haroon mirza | jeremy shaw

failed transcendence

Project Info

  • 💙 max goelitz gallery
  • 🖤 niko abramidis &ne | helga dóróthea fannon | nicolás lamas | haroon mirza | jeremy shaw
  • 💛 Dirk Tacke

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Installation view failed transcendence, 2023, Courtesy of max goelitz, Copyright of the artists
Installation view failed transcendence, 2023, Courtesy of max goelitz, Copyright of the artists
Installation view failed transcendence, 2023, Courtesy of max goelitz, Copyright of the artists
Installation view failed transcendence, 2023, Courtesy of max goelitz, Copyright of the artists
Installation view failed transcendence, 2023 ,Courtesy of max goelitz, Copyright of the artists
Installation view failed transcendence, 2023 ,Courtesy of max goelitz, Copyright of the artists
Haroon Mirza and Helga Dóróthea Fannon, The Ancients call it Ataraxia, 2023, Courtesy of Lisson Gallery and max goelitz, Copyright of the artists
Haroon Mirza and Helga Dóróthea Fannon, The Ancients call it Ataraxia, 2023, Courtesy of Lisson Gallery and max goelitz, Copyright of the artists
Installation view failed transcendence, 2023, Courtesy of max goelitz, Copyright of the artists
Installation view failed transcendence, 2023, Courtesy of max goelitz, Copyright of the artists
Niko Abramidis &NE, GEN PNL (DYOR U 1), 2023, Courtesy of max goelitz, Copyright of the artist
Niko Abramidis &NE, GEN PNL (DYOR U 1), 2023, Courtesy of max goelitz, Copyright of the artist
Jeremy Shaw, Towards Universal Pattern Recognition (Dave Bitner, Admin. Dir, Poses w/MRI. 27 JAN 88), 2022, Courtesy of max goelitz, Copyright of the artist
Jeremy Shaw, Towards Universal Pattern Recognition (Dave Bitner, Admin. Dir, Poses w/MRI. 27 JAN 88), 2022, Courtesy of max goelitz, Copyright of the artist
Jeremy Shaw, Towards Universal Pattern Recognition (Dave Bitner, Admin. Dir, Poses w/MRI. 27 JAN 88), 2022, Courtesy of max goelitz, Copyright of the artist
Jeremy Shaw, Towards Universal Pattern Recognition (Dave Bitner, Admin. Dir, Poses w/MRI. 27 JAN 88), 2022, Courtesy of max goelitz, Copyright of the artist
Nicolás Lamas, Posthuman ecologies, 2023, detail, Courtesy of Meessen de Clercq and max goelitz, Copyright of the artist
Nicolás Lamas, Posthuman ecologies, 2023, detail, Courtesy of Meessen de Clercq and max goelitz, Copyright of the artist
Nicolás Lamas, The shape of time, 2023, Courtesy of Meessen de Clercq and max goelitz, Copyright of the artist
Nicolás Lamas, The shape of time, 2023, Courtesy of Meessen de Clercq and max goelitz, Copyright of the artist
Haroon Mirza, Illuminated Revelations in a Cave (Solar Cell Circuit Composi-tion 29), 2023, Courtesy of max goelitz, Copyright of the artist
Haroon Mirza, Illuminated Revelations in a Cave (Solar Cell Circuit Composi-tion 29), 2023, Courtesy of max goelitz, Copyright of the artist
Haroon Mirza, Illuminated Revelations in a Cave (Solar Cell Circuit Composi-tion 29), 2023, detail, Courtesy of max goelitz, Copyright of the artist
Haroon Mirza, Illuminated Revelations in a Cave (Solar Cell Circuit Composi-tion 29), 2023, detail, Courtesy of max goelitz, Copyright of the artist
On the occasion of Various Others and Open Art 2023 max goelitz invites artists Nicolás Lamas with gallery Meessen De Clercq, Brussels and Jeremy Shaw to the group exhibition "failed transcendence" together with Haroon Mirza, Helga Dóróthea Fannon and Niko Abramidis &NE. The central theme of the exhibition is the concept of "failed transcendence" by author Tom McCarthy, it focuses on the notion of failure and the questioning of traditional notions of authenticity. The exhibition juxtaposes photographic objects by Jeremy Shaw (*1977 in North Vancouver, CA), which reveal the exploration of altered states of consciousness – with multimedia works by Haroon Mirza (*1977 in London, UK), which in turn address the fusion of spirituality and technology. The central video installation by Mirza together with Helga Dóróthea Fannon (*1984 in Gothenburg, SE) picks up on these themes and enfolds the exhibition in rhythmic-shamanistic sound. Nicolás Lamas' (*1980 in Lima, PE) sculptural works show an extensive investigation of naturalness and artificiality, while Niko Abramidis &NE's works (*1987 in Europe) visualize the intertwining of physical and virtual realities and attempt to grasp the different levels of truth and reality.