
Da in die Front

Project Info

  • 💙 Da in die Front
  • 💚 Matthias Grotevent
  • đŸ–€ Groupshow
  • 💜 Matthias Grotevent
  • 💛 Da in die Front

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Da in die Front, Was ist Statue, 2024
Da in die Front, Was ist Statue, 2024
What is statue?
Da in die Front, Was ist Statue, 2024
Da in die Front, Was ist Statue, 2024
Nina Nowak, Prostheses, 2017
Nina Nowak, Prostheses, 2017
Philipp Röcker, Prestidigitator, 2017
Philipp Röcker, Prestidigitator, 2017
Thomas SchĂŒtte, Large Double Head No. 2, 2015
Thomas SchĂŒtte, Large Double Head No. 2, 2015
Peter Ewig, Sing a Placebo, 2019
Peter Ewig, Sing a Placebo, 2019
Camillo Grewe, Loss of Memory at 8am, 2019
Camillo Grewe, Loss of Memory at 8am, 2019
Christine Moldrickx, 36,6°C, 2019
Christine Moldrickx, 36,6°C, 2019
Angela Fette, Loving the Sphinx, 2019
Angela Fette, Loving the Sphinx, 2019
Christoph Westermeier& Jurgen Ots, The Stomach of Europe, 2020
Christoph Westermeier& Jurgen Ots, The Stomach of Europe, 2020
Rene Spitzer, and were pumping Thunder, 2020
Rene Spitzer, and were pumping Thunder, 2020
Richard Deacon, Was ist Statue, 2022
Richard Deacon, Was ist Statue, 2022
Barbara Kapusta, Futures, 2022
Barbara Kapusta, Futures, 2022
Tim Löhde, Breaking down the Home Stretch, 2022
Tim Löhde, Breaking down the Home Stretch, 2022
Carolin Eidner, The Baby Lon, 2022
Carolin Eidner, The Baby Lon, 2022
Juergen Staack, Time, 2023
Juergen Staack, Time, 2023
Cristiana Cott Negoescu, Domestic Sector, 2023
Cristiana Cott Negoescu, Domestic Sector, 2023
Matthias Grotevent, Drinking, 2024
Matthias Grotevent, Drinking, 2024
Da in die Front, Was ist Statue, 2024
Da in die Front, Was ist Statue, 2024
Da in die Front, Was ist Statue, 2024
Da in die Front, Was ist Statue, 2024
Five years ago, I launched Da in die Front as a space to examine the full range of what a statue is and can be. As an artistic framework, the project separately presented a variety of distinct approaches, established a dialogue between them, and in so doing dissected the overarching concept into fragments. Exploring the resulting set of works made it possible to discuss individual aspects of the statute in their vast complexity. Similar to a battery, the energetically charged instance thus created has opened doors to carrying the eternal mutability of this traditional element of sculpture into the present and beyond. A review of: Da in die Front. An exhibition initialised by Matthias Grotevent with #ninanowak #philipproecker #thomasschuette #peterewig #camillogrewe #christinemoldrickx #angelafette #christophwestermeier #jurgenots #renespitzer #richarddeacon #barbarakapusta #timlöhde #carolineidner #juergenstaack #cristianacottnegoescu layout #tinograss text #gustavofijalkow & #marasporn Da in die Front is funded by Kunststiftung NRW and Kulturamt der Landeshauptstadt DĂŒsseldorf, the series of exhibitions was also funded by Neustart Kultur, Stiftung Kunstfonds und der Stadtsparkasse DĂŒsseldorf
Matthias Grotevent