Lara Finkenstaedt, Helena Hoffmann

When is a good time?

Project Info

  • 💙 basis Projektraum
  • 💚 Lara Finkenstaedt, Helena Hoffmann
  • đŸ–€ Lara Finkenstaedt, Helena Hoffmann
  • 💜 Lara Finkenstaedt
  • 💛 Helena Hoffmann

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The Duo exhibition „When is a good time?“ took place at Basis Projektraum in Frankfurt am Main. The artists connects an autobiographical way of working and the interest in passing time. Ceramic works resembleing childhood memories and objects out of the fairytale of Snow White are combined with collages and a slide show that make use of found images in a diary-like way. „Symbols like stones and clocks tend to reoccur in my mind. Birds are whispering in my ear while writing. Finding connections between Flanders, Hesse and me.“ „My mother used to have long braids that she cut off eventually and kept in a drawer. Sometimes she took them out because I wanted to look at them. Years later i did the same and stored my braid in a bathroom drawer.“
Lara Finkenstaedt