Anna Paul with Ayami Awazuhara, Lisa Edi, Christian Hoffelner, Karl Karner, Kristiane Kegelmann, Lukas Mraz, Sarah Oos, Giuseppe de Mattia and Paul Riedmüller.
Project Info
- 💙 ACRE Studios - Space for artistic research and practice
- 💚 Anna Paul, Katharina Siegel
- 🖤 Anna Paul with Ayami Awazuhara, Lisa Edi, Christian Hoffelner, Karl Karner, Kristiane Kegelmann, Lukas Mraz, Sarah Oos, Giuseppe de Mattia and Paul Riedmüller.
- 💜 Anna Paul
- 💛 Lisa Edi, Anna Paul
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A candy shop by Anna Paul with Ayami Awazuhara, Lisa Edi, Christian Hoffelner, Karl Karner, Kristiane Kegelmann, Lukas Mraz, Sarah Oos, Giuseppe de Mattia and Paul Riedmüller. The Viennese artist Anna Paul runs Shop at ACRE — showing her faux fruit collection and selling the favourite candy of artists and chefs she invited to participate.
Shop will be open and on view until 19th of May, Wednesday–Monday from 3 to 7 pm at ACRE Studios (@acrestudios.cc) at Skalitzer Str. 54 B in Berlin.
Anna Paul has been concerned with the economics of art for several years. Shop is a continuation of her long-time project Meeting Basic Needs, where she uses the context of the farmers market to sell art editions made from food. ACRE is located in a former candy store. A context Paul uses to show recent aluminum works and a shop display she conceived for her candy store. She invited her fellow artists Lisa Edi (@lisaedi) and Paul Riedmüller (@paulriedmüller) to show still-lifes and Sarah Oos to bring flowers. The artists and chefs Kristiane Kegelmann (@Kristianekegelmann) and Lukas Mraz (@lukas_mraz) produced special candies for the exhibition. Ayami Awazuhara @wolke_be and Karl Karner (@karnerkarl) will take part in culinary events at the Shop, Christian Hoffelner (@ch____studio) made custom dessert plates and Giuseppe de Mattia (@giuseppe_de_mattia) altered an Italian candy icon.
upcoming Events:
April 27
Book Launch: Anna Paul – Sieben Zwetschken
eds. Christian Hoffelner and Anna Paul
published by Spector Books
with faux fruits by Kristiane Kegelmann, Pars Pralinen
April 29
Endlessly Oily, fried drawings by Anna Paul
accompanied by toppings by Ayami Awazuhare
May 13
Helping Hands, Helping Hands
tiramisu by Anna Paul in handy plates by Karl Karner
May 18
Artist dinner at Pars Restaurant
Anna Paul