Collective Exhibition

Being Embedded in Ulterior Layers

Project Info

  • 💙 Odapark, Venray, Netherlands
  • 💚 Joep Vossebeld
  • 🖤 Collective Exhibition
  • 💜 Àngels Miranda
  • 💛 Moniek Op den Camp and Karla Paredes K.

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Collective Installation
Being Embedded in Ulterior Layers brings together the work of 5 artists who use the exhibition space like archeologists, magicians, foragers, and material poets. The space is conceptually aligned with geological strata - a landscape that can quickly tell an expert eye about millenia of the region’s tellurian history. The visitor is first confronted by a panorama as a thing in itself, but like the curious eye of the archeologist, details reveal their own stories, connections, and keys to the narrative. The structural element of the exhibition are leftover bricks from the garden surrounding Odapark - remnants from past projects that are reassembled into new forms. The concept of cyclical assemblage runs through the bricks as well as the artist’s work in which objects, elements of old works, and materials from the studio can be reused, altered, and reformulated into new ephemeral art objects. This material philosophy breaks concepts of linearity that ascribe a timeline to artworks and their inviolability in favour of a more flexible circular return of the object and the artwork in organic cycles of life.
Àngels Miranda